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Hongjoong continued to follow the young boy, regardless of the slight worries about leaving the witch behind. They came to a wonderful, open garden area which satisfied Hongjoong very much. The glass ceiling was high so the greenhouse could be filled to the brim with exotic plants, with even more exotic flowers. It almost felt like an illusion to Hongjoong, he saw trees which looked like giant pineapples. There was a marble fountain to his left, running blue water where coins lay at the bottom.

Hongjoong walked while looking, not wanting to miss his appointment nor make anyone angry. They came closer to a cleared out area, big enough for a gathering of tourists, or simply big enough for a grandiose single chair. In that single chair, sat a rather famous wizard, Mr. Suliman. Opposite him, Hongjoong noticed a rather dull chair in comparison, and a bunch of guards.

Hongjoong waited to the side patiently, waiting for a polite invitation to sit down. His heart was beating erratically, he was almost melting in his own sweat. Howl had better be grateful, Hongjoong thought.

"I understand you're Howl's father." The voice finally spoke, and it was soft, almost a little too nice.

Hongjoong was a little to far to see his face clearly, but he could tell the wizard was using magic to make his voice younger as well as his features. Despite that, Hongjoong was surprised at how welcoming and lovely the young man had managed to sound. It was almost to welcoming, and a little dangerous.

"Yes. My name is Park Sr." Hongjoong said confidently, after all, he was trying to trick a wizard.

"I'm sure it's been a long trip, please take a seat." Suliman replied, and finally as Hongjoong was sat down in the chair provided, he looked directly at the wizard.

Suliman was beautiful. A beautiful man indeed. He was tall, his suit clearly new and well-fitted, the black waistcoat was tight and defined his body well. It also complimented his black hair, and his round features that made him look a little bit like a puppy. His smile was welcoming and genuine, and his eyes were wide. Hongjoong sat nervously, it was inappropriate to think of the wizard like that.

"I am Sir Yunho Suliman, the King's Wizard." He spoke, and Hongjoong had noticed the dog that he had carried up the stairs was indeed not howl at all.

"Your dog..." Hongjoong muttered embarrassed, he was talking about secrets while holding that dog...

"Oh, you mean Heen? He tends to do my errands, I asked him to escort you." Yunho Suliman told the old man, "So...Howl will not join us?"

Hongjoong put on an act, and looked at the floor to sigh, "You see, he sends his father to make excuses. I'm sure he'd be utterly useless to the King."

Yunho had put a unsure hand on his chin, and Hongjoong was watching every movement in anticipation. The wizard was sure disappointed with his old student.

"What a shame." Suliman muttered, "He was my last apprentice. A student with such marvellous gifts. I rejoiced in finally finding a worthy heir."

The eye contact Hongjoong found himself locked in was intense and shaking him to the core, but he didn't look away from the wizard. Not even when Suliman spoke his next words.

"But then, a demon stole his heart, and he abandoned me. He turned his magic to purely selfish reasons." Suliman stated, "Sir Park, that boy is dangerous. His power is too great for one with no heart. If he follows that path he'll wind up like the witch of the waste."

Hongjoong turned at the sound of wheels rolling against the greenhouses marble floors, he was shocked by the sight of the witch sitting in the wheelchair. The same Witch of the waste that had curse him to be old, was sitting there, old and withering away. Not able to stand, his wrinkles heavy on his skin, and so incredibly old. Hongjoong almost felt sympathy, but he was more sad with the fact his curse would never end. The blonde boy moved the wheelchair beside Hongjoong.

"What happened?" He questioned, his heart suddenly hurting from the amount it was beating per minute.

"I just restored him to his original age." Yunho's smooth voice calmed down the beating, "All his powers are gone. He made a bargain with a demon, he lost his soul long ago. If Howl comes here to serve the kingdom, I can teach him how to break away from the demon."

Hongjoong had to admit it was convincing.

"If not, I'll strip him off his powers as I have his." Yunho finished, and Hongjoong could feel his face heat up but not with nervousness, how dare he threaten Howl? It seemed almost insulting to Hongjoong himself, and he stood up from his chair.

"Now just a minute. Now I know why Howl refused to come here. Something's not right. Forcing your aged guests to climb stairs, dragging them into strange rooms...It's like a trap." Hongjoong guessed, "You call Howl heartless!"

Hongjoong rung his hands together, his initial anger wearing off slightly. Yet as he looked into Suliman's eyes, his determination to protect the wizard he had come to somewhat admire never wavered.

"Howl might be a little selfish, cowardly and unpredictable but he's as straight as an arrow. He only wants to be free." Hongjoong boasted, "Howl wont turn into an evil monster! He'll battle the demon on his own. I believe in him."

Hongjoong took a breath, and watched as the wizard smiled at him, the same welcoming smile as before.

"Sir...You're in love with Howl." His voice seemed to echo once Hongjoong heard the spoken words. He didn't know if he was in shock, or if he was panicking.

Suddenly, he felt heavy tugs on his blazer, he turned towards Jongho who was old and fragile now, he grabbed his hands and pried them off his blazer.

"Is Howl coming? I want his heart." Jongho mumbled.

"No Howl's not coming." Hongjoong stated, trying to move away from the pestering old man.

"Howl will most certainly come." Yunho let out a small chuckle, and in his hand appeared a long intact stick, with the brightest jewel sitting at the top, protected by small twines of wood circling it.

Magic Man, SeongJoongOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora