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Hongjoong watched in fascination as the hut began breaking down, or at least the creatures holding it did. As the hut touched the floor, a soldier which stood at the bottom of the stairs began to shout.

"Sir, vehicles of any sort are prohibited beyond this point." Hongjoong heard, and he giggled with his croaking voice at the misfortune of the Witch sitting inside the hut.

Hongjoong walked beyond the gate, and the door to the Witch's small hut opened. Hongjoong watched as a 5'10 young man walked out the door. Hongjoong was slightly ashamed to say he was very attractive, and had a great sense of style. He walked out with shining black pointed shoes, and clean black dress pants, and the blazer he wore over a sheen black shirt, was stylish. One sleeve was white and the rest of the blazer was black. The Witch of the Waste seemed more approachable and attractive than what Hongjoong could remember.

Hongjoong finally got to the grand staircase which had three levels of staircases which allowed a 5 seconds break between each staircase. Hongjoong frowned at the Witch which had a 10 seconds head start, yet was struggling on the 5th step. Hongjoong wondered if the Witch was dealing with something hidden from plain sight, like a condition, or an injury. Hongjoong took his first 5 steps, his legs feeling somewhat in good condition.

A cough halted his movements, and he looked back at the shaggy dog who was to short to even begin the stairs at all. Hongjoong rolled his eyes at Howl's bad decision making, and went back down the stairs to pick him up. He was surprised to find that the dog weighed a lot considering his small size, and that the fur on the dog weighed at lease 2 pounds. He began to climb back up the stairs which seemed to go on forever with the new found weight added to his arms.

The both of them had come to the last few stairs. Hongjoong was severely fatigued after carrying the dog all the way up, and he had surpassed the young witch. He peaked to the side as he passed, the young man was sweating profusely, and his hair which was slicked back seemed a little dishevelled. He looked back at Hongjoong, his eyes wavering in somewhat embarrassment and condemnation to the man he had cursed to be old.


"What is it?" Hongjoong cursed him, "Did you...suddenly remember...how to break my spell?"

"I told you... I don't know how too." Jongho huffed, with the remaining breath he had.

"Then start studying up." Hongjoong felt ballsy as he told off the Witch of the Waste, as he was older, he felt that he could be a little difficult on the young Witch.

Just as Hongjoong was about to reach the top, he put down the dog for a second, as he felt his arm was going numb. He turned around the check on the witch, for some reason, the kindness in Hongjoong sprouted out, and he was deeply concerned for the struggling young man who should have way more energy than his old self.

"Why don't you quit it? You can't make it." Hongjoong tried to convince the witch, out of complete concern.

"It's been 50 years since they drove me out of here, I've been longing for this day ever since." Jongho huffed out, wiping his top lip of sweat. Hongjoong shouldn't of been surprised, these witches and wizard have a knack for disguising themselves younger than they actually were.

"Like I care, I'm not going to help you." Hongjoong shouted down at the struggling witch. He gathered his strength and started back up the stairs, with the dog back in his arms. Only a few more to go.

Finally, Hongjoong had made it. The last few steps were the worst, he could feel his legs shaking, and his lungs started to hurt and restrict his intake of breath. He was glad it was finally over and done with, and he was rewarded with quite a beautiful view over the richness of the town. He wasn't rewarded for long as his eyes were sudden drawn to the witch who was still struggling.

"Hurry up!" Hongjoong shouted down.

A man dressed in a royal butler's suit came to collect Hongjoong from the top step, and Hongjoong advised he find someone to help the witch who was sweating like a pig in the middle of their steps. When the Butler announced they were void from helping anyone, Hongjoong decided a teasing way of encouragement might help the Witch instead.

"Hang in there!"

"Almost there!"

"You call yourself a witch?" He teased as Jongho finally reached the last 2 steps. All the call-outs were ignored by a witch who was struggling to find his breath. After all, you can't really hide your true age.

The two men were led down a hallway, where soldiers and guards were stationed on either side, forcing you only one direction.

"Sir Park Senior, and the Witch of the Waste!" was announced as they walked down the hallway. It seem grand and a little bit to much, considering there was no one important in the hallway. It seemed unnecessary that they had to be introduce as soon as they walked indoors but Hongjoong quickly got used to his surroundings, for once, he truly felt like his life was going in a direction he liked.

The Witch of the Waste had had enough, he was now using Hongjoong's cane to keep upright, and his soft young features were turning slightly sickly and old. Hongjoong knew his true age was coming through slowly, the lack of energy he had was making his magic fade. Yet, Hongjoong thought he kind of suited the older features, and the slight wrinkles on his cheeks.

They were led to a large square room, where the walls were red, and large historic paintings were hung up in very blank space. There was a show of candle chandeliers under each painting, and a very large one in the centre of the room, dangling from the ceiling. Their was a patterned red rug under their feet, and it was all so posh to Hongjoong. He wouldn't mind living like this one day, but he would want this with Seonghwa, and Yeosang, and perhaps Mingi.

The door closed behind them, and Hongjoong watched as an older Jongho ran for a singular chair in the middle of the room. Hongjoong wasn't fussed about sitting down, and instead just watched. Hongjoong jumped as Howl in dog form ran from behind and brushed past his leg to run around a hidden corner in the room, through a door way which was hidden by being blended into the wall. Hongjoong disappeared behind the doorway, hoping to catch a runaway Howl.

Instead, another secret doorway was revealed. A young boy, older than Yeosang, appeared and bowed to the old man. Hongjoong awkwardly bowed back at the blonde boy. He realised then, that he was being led somewhere, and without the Witch of the Waste.

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