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His fingers were getting numb. He had been working for 6 continuous  hours now. His fingers weren't as nimble as the ladies that worked in the store. Yet, he had just as much passion for working on clothes. He'd liked reforming old clothes, that were worn out, and turn them into something wearable and even into hats which was his favourite thing to make. He was well-known in his town for the hats he made but sometimes he regretted hiding behind a woman's name.


Everyone knowns him as Hinata. There was only a handful of people that knew him as Hongjoong. The way he liked, the name he loved.

In his small town, the men were expected to be soldiers, awaiting for the upcoming war. Hongjoong was expected the wear the uniforms he was fixing up for the soldiers. The ladies he worked with were lovely to him, and they had known him since he was younger, since the hat shop belonged to his mother.

His mother was alone while Hongjoong grew up, he had no father to base his ideals on or a male authoritative figure to idolise. Therefore, he was given hobbies such as painting, and stitching clothes together, he grew up quite feminine. His mother was his idol, he loved her more than anything so when his mother encouraged him to make hats in her shop, Hongjoong couldn't say no. Everything he loved was tied to this shop.

The needle poked his finger again, and he jumped back at the intrusion. He sighed and placed the blue hat down for the first time today. As soon as it was placed on the desk in front of him, all the sounds within the workshop came back to life. Many mumbling and clear voices filled his ears, and Hongjoong subconsciously smiled as he heard his best friend speaking to his mother.

"He's sitting there? Again?"

The door to Hongjoong's side room opened, and in popped a loud and energetic boy. He was only a year younger but the two have been close for years, and Hongjoong adores how lively his younger friend is.

"Hongjoong! You've never left this seat all day, your mother says so!" Wooyoung said as he walked behind Hongjoong and put his arms around his shoulders.

If there was one thing Hongjoong had to dislike about the boy, it would be his ability to win absolutely anyone over. Wooyoung held this certain power within him, and he could make friends with anyone, Hongjoong's own mother included.

"Do you like the hat I made?" Hongjoong asked. If was imperative for Wooyoung's advice, since he was usually so blunt about stuff.

"Yes, I love it. Who is this one for?" Wooyoung asked.

"A woman called Celeste. I know nothing about her other than she's filthy rich." Hongjoong smiled, excited to be paid greatly for the hat he hasn't put down all day.

The hat was a royal blue all around. A royal blue Gainsborough hat which Hongjoong enjoyed making. They were wide-brimmed which left a lot for decoration on top of the hat itself. Hongjoong took it upon himself to add blue feathers, and some handmade flowers he made out of a nice satin material. He also added cute blue berries out of a special material which was asked by the client.

Wooyoung smiled too, he loved Hongjoong getting paid, it meant Wooyoung could pull him out at night to celebrate for nothing in particular. Wooyoung was quite the opposite to Hongjoong – he enjoyed the bars in their small town, and drinking, whereas Hongjoong was quiet and liked making hats during the day. However, Wooyoung somehow always managed to convinced Hongjoong to come out a lot.

"Come on, are you nearly done?" Wooyoung asked and Hongjoong sighed, "The festival is starting right now."

"I don't really care for the festival Wooyoung..." Hongjoong sighed, and Wooyoung constant pestering began once more.

He was pulling and pushing on Hongjoong's shoulders like he usually did, and began whining. It was Wooyoung's charm to act like a 5 year old, and people actually finding it cute. Hongjoong did not find it cute.

"No Wooyoung...I'll just meet you later." Hongjoong said, and Wooyoung gave up. It was a rare occurrence but Wooyoung knew Hongjoong never really joined in with the town's activities.

"Fine. You better find me later." Wooyoung said and Hongjoong nodded as he watched Wooyoung leave the room.

It was quiet again. The sun was warm on Hongjoong's bare arms. He closed his eyes for a few seconds.

"Hongjoong-ah!" His mother's sweet voice sounded throughout the building.

He didn't need to wait long before his mother, and some of the working girls were streaming through the door to look at him. He smiled at the friendly faces he would consider more than just colleagues, but nothing more than friends.

"Hongjoong, you have to come!"

"Yes, come to the festival!"

He smiled at the girls voices ringing out, inviting him to the town's celebrations. It felt nice to be invited to places.

"Honey, do you see it?" His mother said, and Hongjoong frowned. His mother turned his chair to the open window in front of his desk.

Hongjoong squinted his eyes. Over the green hills, was a moving machine. A mountain of brown and green rubble was moving over the river streams and over the steep hills. It was getting closer, the most famous house of them all. Hongjoong had only heard stories of the moving castle amongst the green hills, but now he was seeing it for the first time.

"Howl's coming! Let's go girls!" One co-worker announced and the girls rummaged around the workshop, finding their coats and hats, ready to leave and take the chance to sneak a glance at this infamous Howl.

"Are you coming?" Hongjoong looked up at his sweet mother, but shook his head with a tired smile, "Okay. We'll be back in a little while darling."

Hongjoong smiled as his mother rummaged around for her shawl which matched her pink dress. She waved one last time before Hongjoong turned to the house moving closer to the town, the metal legs which held together through the infamous Howl magic, had made its way over the first hill. It was closer than ever, and Hongjoong curiosity got the better than him.

He lifted from the chair, his legs aching for a few seconds before he moved towards his own straw hat. It was small to fit his head during windy days, and the red ribbon was turning a light brown due to old age. He shoved it over his wild mullet haircut, and then put on his long coat.

He was curious about the magic house, and the magic man who resided in it.

Magic Man, SeongJoongWhere stories live. Discover now