꧁•⊹٭𝙰 𝚜𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚌𝚑 𝚞𝚙٭⊹•꧂

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A new day had come, and Hongjoong couldn't remember falling back asleep, so he awoke with quite the fright. The only other being awake was the raging fire in the fireplace. Was last night a dream? Had he dreamt of the situation with Howl last night? Hongjoong turned to Mingi.

"Howl must be back?" He somewhat asked, he was unsure of what happened last night being real.

"Hongjoong, you'd better figure out how to break my spell quick!" Mingi fired back in his deep voice, "We're both running out of time."

"So, Seonghwa will turn into a monster? It's real?" Hongjoong said, affirming his dreamlike illusions. He was sure what happened last night was real, that he had confessed, and Howl was hurting.

"I can't tell you." Mingi fired back, there's so many secrets Hongjoong needed to decipher. He started with remembering what Suliman had said.

"Calcifer, Mr. Suliman mentioned that Howl had given something very precious to you. What is it? Where is it?" Hongjoong tried, but he felt that Mingi would deceive him.

"It's...confidential information." Calcifer recited perfectly, like he had been practising. Hongjoong knew he wasn't going to get a straight answer.

"And what if I accidently poured water on you?" Hongjoong had begun to get annoyed at the fire once more. The lack of answers and the constant nagging were beginning to get of Hongjoong's nerves.

"Howl will die with me!" Mingi fired back, his flames less high and more timid now that Hongjoong was looming over him.

Hongjoong sighed, he would get nowhere. He decided to leave the matter, and step outside for a few minutes. The castle was sitting upon a hill in the wastes, and yet it was a very beautiful sight. At the height they were, Hongjoong was overlooking the whole wastes, and his town in the distance. The air was crisp and bitter, and immediately turned Hongjoong's nose red.

A sudden noises sounded and Hongjoong looked to his right. The scarecrow which had followed the castle the whole time, bounced to his side. Hongjoong smiled at the friendly face, someone he surprisingly doesn't get annoyed with. They stood side by side till Hongjoong noticed the mouth of the castle. After the crash, Hongjoong figured he needed to repay for the damages and at least try and fix it.

As the day resumed, everyone had begun to wake up. After another hearty breakfast made by Hongjoong, he had got to work with Yeosang and the scarecrow to open the mouth of the castle. As the sun blared down on them, Hongjoong forgot about Howl to the best of his abilities and instead focused on removing the aircraft from the castle's front room. He tied rope tightly around the aircraft and then the other end around the scarecrow.

From outside, both the scarecrow and Yeosang pulled with all their might, while Hongjoong pushed. He felt that a vein might burst in his head, but eventually the aircraft moved a tiny bit. Hongjoong huffed proudly despite his old body and then kicked the aircraft. The wings on the side of the aircraft moved up and down, slashing and breaking against the stone of the castle, but it eventually moved out of the hole it was wedged into.

It fell out of the castle, and onto the hill's green grass. Hongjoong chuckled as Yeosang and the scarecrow ran from the danger, and the aircraft once again broke down due to unrepairable damages. Hongjoong started sweeping again, as Yeosang chased the scarecrow and the dog around. Despite the mess, Hongjoong was happy at home.

Once all the cleaning was done, Hongjoong made some porridge for the old wizard. He sat at the table and spoon fed Jongho. Hongjoong noticed the old wizard was intensely staring at Mingi, the fire seemed to be the only thing capturing the old witchs attention.

"Why is he staring at me?" Mingi cringed away behind some fire logs.

"Such a pretty fire." The old witch said in his broken gravely voice. It almost made Hongjoong feel sorry for the witch of the waste, but not completely.

Suddenly, between the silence, soft footsteps sounded down the stairs at a fast pace. Hongjoong's favourite wizard had finally come downstairs. He was wearing a white shirt, and black pants. His hair was cut, it was no longer short, but now magically a bit longer. Truly, Seonghwa looked good in any type of hair cut.


"Hello, everyone!" He said, the brightest smile on his face. It once again, made Hongjoong question whether their conversation last night was just a dream.

"Master Howl, can we keep this dog?" Yeosang asked, happy as he sat beside the spy dog.

"An old wizard and Mr. Suliman's dog...Why'd you let them in Calcifer?" Howl was smiling, seemingly on the verge of laughing at the situation as he turned to Mingi.

"Don't look at me, they flew in with Hongjoong!" Calcifer defended himself, and Hongjoong secretly rolled his eyes.

Howl laughed loudly, this was the happiest Hongjoong had ever seen him, "Hongjoong, always so dramatic. Oh! So you must be turnip!"

Hongjoong watched as the scarecrow that had followed him this whole time, said hello in its own weird way. Howl looked over him, analysing him.

"Your under quite the spell as well..." Howl stated, "Seems everyone in our little family has problems...Anyhow, this is a busy day. We're moving!"

Hongjoong was slightly confused at first till Yeosang spoke up, "Good, there aren't any shops here. We're in the middle of nowhere."

"Mr. Suliman can track us down in no time." Howl stated, as he looked over everyone, "But you'll have to stay behind. The magic in your spell is to risky."

The scarecrow nodded at Howl's words. Yeosang jumped up from the table and gathered a large paint container used to paint straight lines on floors. Hongjoong watched as Howl used some white paint to draw a massive circle outside on the hill, with some magic design in the centre of the circle. Calcifer then moved the castle into the white circle exactly in the centre. Hongjoong was fascinated with the process happening all around him.

Howl made his way back inside and drew some more magic symbols on the floorboards using a small chalk piece. Hongjoong watched as almost every line was perfect and every symbol seemed just right. Seonghwa had everyone sit at the side, while he drew.

"Okay, everyone stay where you are." Howl said, and he moved over and picked up Mingi using a small metal shovel.

"Be gentle." Mingi said nervously.

Calcifer sat on the metal shovel diligently, and Howl moved back to stand in the magic symbol he drew. Hongjoong watched as wind began to pick up, however, he never felt it. Howl's new black hair was moving due to harsh winds and Mingi's flames rose up quickly. Hongjoong watched in fascination. He had never seen Howl do actually magic up until now. Hongjoong jumped back as Calcifer blew up and turned a mean blue.

The house was shaking, and the magic symbol on the floor boards was lighting up a dark red. Hongjoong panicked for a second as the table they were sitting on began to lift off the floor. He held on for his life, as the room changed all around him. The magic was in every object, switching them around and moving them. The ceiling was changing, the walls were different sizes, everything was different. New furniture was sprouting out of thin air, completely surprising Hongjoong to the core.

A switch up completely.

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