Jimin and Yeonjun smirked too wiggling their eyebrows at them which earns them weird looks from both Jungkook and Taehyung.

Soobin just signed shaking his head a little and they said it supposed to be secret mission he thought looking at the obvious look Yeonjun, Jimin and Jin were giving to taekook.

"Haaa now this is some youngest kid favouritism" Hobi said with a betrayed look clutching his heart, "I remember once I forgot that early in your pregnancy and you literally lectured me for an hour then made me go all the way to gwangju just to apologise to my parents for growing up into a forgetful man" he finished with a pout making everyone in the room laugh remembering how he had to be on video call on his whole journey just so Jin could see if he really went to his parents house or not.

The interns were stunned to hear that except Yoonji who gave hobi sympathetic look as she knew the above the incident and called hobi after he came back Just to laugh at him.

"But you forgot how I took you out after that for icecream Just. You" Jin hissed pointing at Hobi who smiled sheepishly nodding.

"Besides, it's the last time I'm leaving him off the hook... he's not youngest anymore..now that place have been replaced by our sweet little interns" Jin declared smiling at the flushed faces of interns.

A sound of spoon fall was heard they all looked towards Jungkook who sat frozen with his one hand up in the air from which he held the spoon and looking at Jin with his mouth open, eyes widened.

"You can't DO THAT TO MEE IM STILL YOUR YOUNGEST ONE" Jungkook screech standing up going towards Jin and sat holding his leg looking up at him with a pout.

Namjoon snickered and Jin gave the done face to Jungkook patting his head he said "we will see that later now go and sit on your seat"

"Don't worry kook you still gonna be our little one" Namjoon said for which Jin nudge him saying don't spoil him.

"You acting skills getting poor and poor" Yoonji comments side eyeing Jungkook who took his seat and showed his tongue at her.

They start eating their lunch which Jin had prepared for them peacefully but that didn't last long.

Yoongi snorts seeing something in his phone catching everyone's attention "Turn on your camera" he whispered to Jimin who looked at him confused with his cheeks puffed with food but did as told.

"Ok here this i don't who post this but that's fucking amazing.....here I go......You can't spell 'advertisements' without semen between the tits"

Just as he said that many things happened simultaneously. First, the food bite Jungkook just had while listening Yoongi was spit out and now on all over Taehyung face who forget how to function hearing this.

Yeonjun who just took a mouthful sip of water sipt it out but in order to save his already misfortune cousin he snapped his head to his left and showered Soobin who frozen blinking his wide eyes rapidly.

Hobi react fastly and covers Yoonji's mouth so that he didn't suffer the same fate Taehyung and Soobin did.

Namjoon choked up on the water he just drank but controlled it and swallows it with great difficulty whereas Jin frozen with his mouth open for the bite he was about to take.

Jimin blinked not knowing how to react tho he's glad that Yoongi somewhat saved him? Well he sat there holding his phone up recoding the whole mess without having any spit food or water all over him.

Jungkook and Yeonjun gasped covering their mouth eyeing Taehyung and Soobin who sat their silently covered in food and water.

They nervously picked the tissue and started cleaning Taehyung and Soobin's face apologizing continuously.

Hobi signed and pats Yoonji back as she coughed after swallowing the food.

"Bahahahahahahahaha" Yoongi brust into laughter proud of his doing.

".......I'm sorry" Jimin mumbled lowering his head feel embarrassed on behalf of his husband.

"Yeah! You stupid cat!" Jin shouts recovering first from the shock, "you are dead Min Yoongi" Jin said drinking the mouthful of water and stood up with the help of Namjoon who tried to stop him but it only takes Jin's one glare for him to stop instead.

Yoongi was laughing lying back on the couch with his mouth wide open but his happiness didn't last long, screamed in a really high pitched voice, sitting up he coughed violently.

Everyone's eyes widened except Jungkook and Yeonjun who was too busy cleaning Taehyung and Soobin's face when they saw Jin stood hovering Yoongi and just spit the water he drank over Yoongi's face.

Jimin gasped, Yoonji act quickly and moves Jimin's hand which was holding the phone towards Yoongi and records Yoongi who was coughing and gasping for air.

"Serves you right fucking meow meow" she said huffing.

After calming down and cleaning up everyone went back to eating and Yoongi sat there regretting his life decisions after Jin made him bow down and apologize but that was worth it he thought smugly knowing he got the recording of the incident in Jimin's phone while putting the food in his mouth.


Love isn't something you can control and sometimes it just happens, and you can't explain why out all the people in the world, you heart decided to skip a beat just for this specific person.


Our Beating Hearts    [Taekook]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang