Chapter 46 - Showtime

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"Lance corporal Morrow how do you plead?" The judge finally stated, soon after Jeongguk and his lawyer had stopped talking.

"Your honour my client wishes to speak." The lawyer announced instead as the judge motioned for Jeongguk to stand.

Taehyung looked on in total confusion and was in a further perplexed state when Jeongguk turned around to look at him. The Marine's Adam's apple bobbed as he swallowed thickly. Taehyung was barely able to make out what Jeongguk mouthed as he squinted his eyes and furrowed his eyebrows.

From what Taehyung could tell, the words that Jeongguk mouthed were "You're going to be okay now."

But that didn't make any sense at all. Why would he be okay now? Was he not okay before?

"You may proceed." The judge spoke as he motioned for the Marine to stand.

Then Jeongguk began his statement, "Sir. I coerced Mr Jeon into marrying me he didn't know that it violated military law I assured him it didn't. I bear the full of responsibility and I'm prepared to face the consequences of my actions."

After those words echoed through the court room, Taehyung felt his whole world crumble into a pile of dust.

"Very well, then I find you guilty."

Taehyung couldn't stop shaking his head. He didn't want to believe what he just heard.

"Lance corporal, as you are aware, the average sentence for this crime is six months prison time." The judge declared, adjusting his glasses.

He shook his head again. Six months?

The consequences for future employment would be devastating.

Jeongguk would be gone for six whole months. The mere thought made Taehyung feel jittery as he shuffled uncomfortably in his seat.
With each word, Taehyung's face began to pale. This was exactly what he was afraid of. This was exactly what he wanted to prevent.

And yet, here it all was, playing out in front of his very eyes. Taehyung was drawn like a moth to a flame and yet he couldn't bear to look.

He truly didn't know how Jeongguk managed to sit there with a neutral face. No worry or fear was present.

He was cool, calm and collected.

Pretty much everything that Taehyung wasn't right now.

Even as the claims were laid out in front of Jeongguk, he gave no reaction. He just- sat there.

Maybe it is because he is used to dealing with pressured situations. Perhaps it is because really beneath the surface Jeongguk felt like curling into a ball and hiding from the world.

Although Taehyung hoped it was the former, it was probably a combination of the two.

Even as the attention of the court room turned to the young Marine, there were no evident emotions engrained into his face.

"However, due to the exceptional circumstances of blackmailing and receiving evidence of a threatening phone call to your spouse, the court will not press that sentence. Instead you will be discharged for bad conduct and be given the minimum sentence of repaying all money collected from BAH and FSA pay as well as an additional fine of $15,000." The judge declared.

Jeongguk just stood there.

Of all the outcomes, he had not predicted this.

And yet, he would not be court martialed.

"Given the outcome of this trial this court will not refer Mr Jeon Taehyung's case to the local authorities." The judge finally concluded with a bang of his gavel.

Once that sound echoed through the court and people began to empty out, a mop of brown hair pushed through to get to the front.

After emerging from the sea of people, Taehyung collided into Jeongguk, pressing his face into his husband's neck and breathing him in.

Jeongguk had put everything on the line for Taehyung.

He was honourable and it just wasn't in his nature to lie. There was no way Taehyung could be mad after such a noble action.

That was when Taehyung knew he couldn't be prouder to call this man his husband.

Jeongguk had felt a huge force slam into him from the side. A huge relief consumed him when he realised it was his Taehyung.

An even greater weight was lifted when he knew that meant Taehyung wasn't angry with him.

That was the greatest pressure of them all.

The outcome was bittersweet in some ways.

Jeongguk would never be a Marine ever again.

His family was still disappointed in him.

But that was the least of his worries.

What mattered is that there wouldn't be months of incarceration for either him or Taehyung.

Jeongguk's biggest concern was that Taehyung would be taken away from him. But now that just wasn't the case because his love was here, in a safe, secure embrace.

Right where Taehyung belonged.

Unlawfully Hisحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن