Chapter 37 - Memories

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No one's POV:

The soft pitter patter of rain spread throughout the barren graveyard. Each row of marble headstones catching some droplets on their smooth surface.

The water spread feverently on the stone before shrinking and condensing down into a smaller puddle.

Grey clouds enveloped the area and not a peep of sunlight broke through the thickly veiled clouds. It was as if a shadow had been cast over the vast space, plunging the area into darkness, despite it not being night time.

Leaves on a nearby oak tree collected the drops gratefully as the sea of chartreuse waved in the billowing wind.

The clouds had given their call and another wave of rain plummeted down onto the ground below.

Some of which, landed on the big, black umbrella that was held in front of a grave. The owner knelt down as he sat on the dampened grass, not caring that his trousers were stained with the water.

The male's cane was dumped on the floor with a small clutter as he lowered himself towards the ground, not caring that it laid abandoned on the wet grass.

Jeongguk then sighed as he leant forward to place down the yellow roses next to the other flowers that lined his best friend's grave.

The roses represented friendship and a lasting loyalty that perfectly summed up who Jimin was. No sad colours would have ever been appreciated, only bright and warm ones that spread positivity would be approved by him. Along with the bright bouquets, a small American flag waved in the wind, a symbol of bravery and patriotism.

The ensemble perfectly described Jimin and what he believed in, which served as a reminder of how missed he would be.

The marbled headstone the flowers leaned against read:

Park Jimin
US Marine Corps
October 13th 1995
September 15th 2023
'Always Our Hero'

"You really are our hero Jimin. I miss you like hell man," Jeongguk mumbled as his eyes grazed over the writing on the headstone. A lone tear strolled down the Marine's cheek as he thought about his most treasured memories with Jimin.

Times where they would go running together or go out for a drink. Even in the darker times when the two would rely on each other to get through the next day in the military. Death and blood surrounded them and yet the bond between the two grew stronger in times of hardship.

"It is ironic Jimin. The time I need you most is the time that you're gone," The marine stated as tears began to build up in his eyes.

From the injury to recovering from the mental scars that had cut deeper than anything physical- Jeongguk hadn't been able to visit his friend much.

But the time that the Marine did spend with Jimin- even if he isn't really there- will be something that Jeongguk will always cherish.

At first it felt weird just talking to himself but after a few visits it became natural.

Cathartic in a way.

Even after passing, Jimin was still the one that Jeongguk told everything to and now was no exception.

After all, Jimin always had the best guidance. Right now, Jeongguk needed that, but he had to sit there and imagine what his friend would say if he were still alive.

Confliction echoed in Jeongguk's heart as he thought about all that had happened since Jimin had gone.

By far what confused the Marine the most was his husband. Going from not being able to stand someone to having the realisation that they are probably one of your favourite people is an emotional rollercoaster.

One Jeongguk never thought he would be riding so willingly.

Taehyung is still an enigma to Jeongguk.

And the male still believes he will never understand why he is so drawn to Taehyung or why he cares about him so much and so quickly.

"You would know. Wouldn't you Jimin," Jeongguk stated, because what's he said really wasn't a question. His words cut through the thick silence of the morning, being heard by no one but himself and yet the ravenet couldn't help but hope his best friend did hear them. That somehow, somewhere, Jimin could feel the lasting impact of his existence and reply to Jeongguk's desperate calls.

Bitterness collected in Jeongguk's throat as the anger of Jimin being so viciously taken away from him was reminded by the lack of that wishful reply.

Gripping the emerald green grass in front of him, Jeongguk let the tears flow- no longer afraid to show his emotions. Taehyung had taught him that letting others see your pain and sorrow takes bravery and it is anything but a sign of weakness.

It is a valuable lesson and one that Jeongguk never wants to forget- especially since it is taught by such a strong person.

"You want to hear something crazy Jimin? I think Taehyung is my best friend. Lord knows how he managed that," Jeongguk chuckled to himself as he thought back about the hatred that founded the two husbands' relationship.

It is funny to think how things have changed so starkly.

When they first met, Taehyung called Jeongguk's friend a barbaric donkey and a dickweed (the list goes on).

Not the best first encounter to say the least.

"You always thought we would be good for each other. I guess you were right," Jeongguk said bitterly, a sigh escaping his lips. Jimin always played matchmaker between the two husbands but both just wrote it off as annoying and completely pointless.

Jimin would constantly urge Jeongguk to write to Taehyung and before they left for Iraq, Jimin set up meetings between the two. Of course, Jimin knew about the arrangement but for some reason he saw past that and was able to find a real connection somewhere in all the fake acts.

"Jimin you were either a genius or a time traveller because you were right. I don't know how you were right but nonetheless you were." Jeongguk said as he stood up with the help of his cane, only leaning on the stick very slightly to regain balance.

"I vow to you that I will keep my promise Jimin. I won't hurt Taehyung. I will protect him and keep him safe- no matter the cost," Jeongguk said in an assertive tone, remembering one of the final conversations he ever had with Jimin.

The two had sworn that if the other dies then they will look after Taehyung. It was something that Jeongguk would never soon forget and he now saw it as his friend's dying wish.

The Marine then kissed his pointer and middle finger before placing it on the headstone of his best friend.

Retracting his hand, Jeongguk gave one last military salute before turning away from Jimin's grave. He then slid his tongue over his bottom lip and exhaled, closing his eyes in the process.

The wind seemed to pick up slightly, causing the rain to be carried in the breeze. Jeongguk's jet black hair had grown slightly longer, to just above his shoulders and it was now dampened as it swayed in the air. Only the umbrella was protecting the Marine from the chilling drops of rain.

"I won't break my promise Jimin," The Marine whispered before walking away from his beloved friend.

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