Chapter 9 - Togetherness

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No one's POV:

Jeongguk looked in the mirror with confidence, today was the day of his wedding and he had to meet Taehyung before taking photos and completing the vows.

He straightened the collar of his navy blue and red uniform, adjusted the gold buttons slightly and picked up the white cap that laid on the dresser.

Taking deep breaths, Jeongguk took his bus card out of his pocket and headed for the door.

Once he reached the bus, Jeongguk swiped the card and nodded gratefully towards the bus driver. There were no seats free so the marine opted to stand up and hold onto the handgrip that dangled from the ceiling.

The ravenet tucked his dress cap firmly under his armpit and held onto the tip that stuck out slightly with his hand. 

The arrival of the Marine had some bus passengers staring on in bewilderment, others in admiration and some in spite. However, Jeongguk paid attention to none of it. He didn't become a Marine for the glory of it and while he was okay with being a role model of sorts, Jeongguk promised himself to never let it get to his head.

When the bus pulled away from the stop, Jeongguk's legs stayed firmly rooted to the ground and only a little sway of his upper body was caused by the momentum.

As much as he tried to ignore the woman to his left that stared at him in desire, the lustful look was starting to get to him. Jeongguk kept his eyes fixed on the ever changing landscape out the tinted window. His eyes admired the tall buildings as well as the fields far into the distance.

Before long, the bus stopped at Jeongguk's desired destination and he thanked the bus driver before exiting the bus. The ravenet was more than thankful to leave the lusting woman behind.

Next, Jeongguk pulled out a little slip of paper that contained Taehyung's address and the directions he had written for Jeongguk.

After more confusion than Jeongguk was willing to admit, he found the right block of apartments and saw Taehyung walking along the street in his direction.

Everything seemed okay until Jeongguk got closer, that's when he saw Taehyung's abomination of an outfit.

The brunet on the other hand was gawking at Jeongguk in uniform, he was definitely handsome but Taehyung didn't really want to give the compliment. He was still annoyed about their first meeting however, all was forgotten once he observed the look on the Marine's face.

"Seriously, " Jeongguk stated blankly as soon as Taehyung was in earshot.


"Taehyung we are taking wedding photos," Jeongguk added in a matter-of-fact tone as he gestured to Taehyung's outfit.

The boy was dressed in booty shorts, a spaghetti strap tank top and a flannel shirt over the top. It wasn't exactly an 'I'm getting married' look and Taehyung rolled his eyes at the disapproving look Jeongguk was giving him.

"Well it's not like you are going to find a wedding dress up there," Taehyung pointed out.

"You don't even own a suit?" Jeongguk asked as he furrowed his eyebrows. It wasn't like he was expecting to meet Cinderella but he did expect something at least a little sophisticated and stylish.

"Don't like them," Taehyung returned, it didn't really surprise Jeongguk that much considering Taehyung's outfits that he had seen before. Most were short shorts or tight jeans with a fluffy top or a flowy shirt to finish it off.

"Well I'm not getting wedding photos taken with you looking like that. Come on there's got to be something in the closet that you can wear?" Jeongguk asked as he tried to convince Taehyung to get changed.

"Fine. I'll have a look. But don't expect a frilly ball gown with white flowers and lace," Taehyung said, frustrated, as he stomped back to his apartment stairs and began to climb them, closely followed by Jeongguk.

Taehyung reached into his bag and picked out his keys to unlock the door, wincing slightly at the creaky way the door opened.

The two entered Taehyung's apartment and Jeongguk took note of how cosy it seemed. Pictures of family and friends were strung around the place and a warm glow settled around the apartment.

It was simple and small but Taehyung had certainly put his mark on the place. However, what caught Jeongguk's attention the most was the easel and paint brushes that laid scattered around a plethora of coloured tubes of paint.

Jeongguk marvled at the sight and gasped as he approached the coloured canvas. The oil landscape looked absolutely stunning, the colours were mixed gorgeously and the talent was very clear to see.

"You paint?" Jeongguk asked as Taehyung walked into his room.

"Yeah, it's more of a hobby than anything but I've always been interested in art," Taehyung replied loudly as he entered his room, leaving the door open to make sure he could still hear what Jeongguk was saying.

"You're really good," Jeongguk complimented as he admired the piece of artwork. The Marine started to flick through the other canvases that laid by the side of the easel. Each one was gorgeous and colourful, Jeongguk only grew more and more gobsmacked with each one he looked at.

"Thanks," Taehyung replied as he accepted the compliment gratefully. The brunet had selected an outfit that seemed suitable, he paired light blue jeans with a white, silky dress shirt and a navy blue necklace.

"Hey, are you nearly done, we are supposed to be there in an hour and I don't want to be la-" Jeongguk started but immediately shut up once he got a glimpse of Taehyung.

It seemed Taehyung's art wasn't the only thing that was absolutely gorgeous.

"Jeez Commando, you don't have to go all military on me. We'll get there when we get there," Taehyung stated as he closed the bedroom door behind him.

It was only when Taehyung looked up to be met with the gawking face of Jeongguk, did he realise the effect that he had on the man in front of him. It was a massive boost to Taehyung's ego and it made by him feel handsome and attractive.

"Stop looking like a fish," Taehyung stated, using humour to cover up how affected he was by Jeongguk finding him so alluring.

Jeongguk promptly closed his mouth after Taehyung said that and replied, "Yeah, let's- let's just go, we are already behind schedule,"

Taehyung rolled his eyes at the cover up and and strode past his little art corner to arrive at the front door.

"Then let's go Commando, I wouldn't want you to get in trouble,"


It's wedding time ;)

Unlawfully HisOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora