Chapter 44 - The Heartbreak Of Mistakes

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No one's POV:

It had been days.

Merely days and yet Taehyung felt as if his heart had been permanently ripped out of his chest. Like numbness and pain were his only friends.

Tears had been shed on multiple occasions.

They seemed almost unstoppable in the dead of night. That's when the loneliness became the most apparent.

There was no Jeongguk resting by the side of him. Instead, there was a cold, empty spot where his husband should be.

That was probably the worst part.

The solitude and isolation became most prominent when there was no comfort from Jeongguk.

Warmth had been washed away by the gelid waters of heartbreak. Would all of great Poseidon's oceans leave any comfort behind? Because it felt like they had fulfilled their purpose of cleaning Taehyung's heart free of tenderness. Eradicated into nothing but ash and a faint glow of the heat that was once there.

Space was definitely what Taehyung needed. Sorting out the flurry of thoughts that invaded his brain was the right decision, but that didn't mean the time away didn't hurt.

It was hard not to think of other alternatives of how everything could have played out.

But ultimately, everything had gone to absolute shit whether Taehyung wanted it to or not.

Whether he liked it or not.

He had accepted that but there was still this massive, gaping hole in his chest, right where his heart should sit.

Right where it should be beating steadily in its cage.

The remedy was clear and yet Taehyung still found himself faltering at every hurdle.

The real question that was throwing Taehyung for a loop was why it hurt so much?

Why did he care so much?

Why did he want to just run back into Jeongguk's arms and resolve everything right this second?

Taehyung truly didn't know.

So, the male resulted to wallowing in his sadness for days on end with his mother until he finally got his feelings in order.

Everything was going as well as can be expected- all things considered.

It was nice spending time with his mum again but right now Taehyung couldn't seek the advice he really needed.

Soo-Yun didn't know about the marriage being fake.

And Taehyung wasn't going to tell her.

It was too much of a risk for him.

There was a high possiblity of Soo-Yun getting into trouble if the police connected her and conspiracy.

Taehyung didn't want there to be any ammunition to be used against his mum- so he had been vague with his issues.

All Soo-Yun knew is that there had been an argument about Jeongguk getting in trouble with the police and Taehyung needed some time away.

She didn't know what laws Jeongguk had broken.

And she certainly didn't know that Taehyung was also in trouble for his participation.

It would have been too difficult to come up with an elaborate lie so Taehyung resorted to an ambiguous half-truth.

Of course, Soo-Yun asked questions but Taehyung just said that he wasn't ready to talk right now. After the storm had died down, Taehyung would tell his mum the truth but until then it was a waiting game.

Since finding out that Jeongguk had been caught a few days ago and that his trial was today, Taehyung had felt more conflicted and frustrated than ever.

Though most of the anger had faded, annoyance did still linger in the confines of Taehyung's brain.

The worry obviously showed because as Taehyung sat with his head buried in his hands, elbows propped up by the kitchen table, Soo-Yun looked over at him with concern flashing in her eyes.

"Taehyung what's wrong?" Soo-Yun stated when she saw the dismal state of her son.

"His trial is today." The brunet stated plainly.

"Honey, we've been through this and you know how I feel." Soo-Yun prompted as she moved to sit opposite Taehyung. Talking ahold of her son's hands and clasping them tightly, Soo-Yun kissed his knuckles warmly to give comfort to the sad boy.

Taehyung just sighed, giving a light smile in his mother's direction before saying, "I know that but I just don't know what to do. Even doing nothing is still doing something."

"Well in all the years I have known you baby, I have never seen you so happy. How you are with Jeongguk is something I can't even begin to describe. Just look at how miserable you are without him. Jeongguk is clearly good for you. It's not like you have to forgive him right away, just a bit of support in his trial is the right thing to do." Soo-Yun uttered, letting go of her son's hands and giving him a stern look.

Taehyung's stubbornness was obviously getting in the way and Soo-Yun knew her son would come to regret it if he didn't do anything.

But ultimately, Taehyung has to make his own decisions. He is a grown man and there is only so much convincing that Soo-Yun can do. Perhaps making a mistake was what Taehyung needed to realise just how important Jeongguk was to him?

So Soo-Yun's was willing to say one last thing before she pressed no further in the matter, "Taehyung you can't give up on this marriage just because Jeongguk made a mistake. It's fine to be angry but he needs you there for him right now."

Taehyung remained quiet, staring at nothing in particular as he bit down on his bottom lip slightly.

"Now it's up to you what to do. I just pray that you won't make the wrong decision." Soo-Yun stated as she stood up and walked over to her son. Placing a light kiss on his forehead, Soo-Yun then moved away and began to leave the room.

It was hard to see Taehyung like this but at the end of the day, he had to make his own choices. If they happened to be mistakes then so be it- at least Soo-Yun tried.

For her, it was as clear as a bright summer's day that Taehyung had never been this happy before.

It was like all the worries and stress were drained from his body and replaced with the burning and everlasting flame of love.

She knew it was love deep down. Denial is a strong defence mechanism and both husbands seemed to have heaps of it.

All negative emotions dissipated from Taehyung whenever he was near his husband.

In fact, they were removed by merely thinking about Jeongguk. If that wasn't enough to convince Taehyung then Soo-Yun didn't know what would be.

However, as she glanced back at the melancholy boy, she couldn't help but think that his stubbornness would get in the way.

Once a decision was made in Taehyung's mind, he rarely ever went back on it. In face virtually no instances came to mind when Soo-Yun thought back about Taehyung's choices in life. Although most of them were correct, Soo-Yun felt strongly that leaving Jeongguk would be an oversight on Taehyung's part.

So Soo-Yun just hoped that her son hadn't come to the wrong conclusion.

She hoped that Taehyung would see the unconditional love that could emerge if he moved on from the anger.

She hoped that Taehyung would choose Jeongguk.

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