Chapter 28 - Iguana

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No one's POV:

"I can't believe that you convinced me to do this," Jeongguk blurted out as he buckled in his seat belt.

"Oh stop complaining, you are such a crybaby. It's just an iguana," Taehyung replied, rolling his eyes.

It had taken a lot of convincing but finally Jeongguk had agreed to expand their little family. Taehyung was definitely persistent in his mission to win Jeongguk over.

The brunet constantly mentioned buying a pet, bringing it into nearly every conversation for the past week just so Jeongguk's resolve would crumble. Taehyung even stuck up photos of iguanas around the apartment so his husband would see how cute they are.

Eventually, Jeongguk just agreed.

He knew Taehyung was going to get his way in the end so agreeing now just meant the suffering would sooner. The brunet was overjoyed when Jeongguk finally conceded and hugged the male to death before searching for pet stores that have iguanas for sale.

Jeongguk still wasn't very pleased but at least Taehyung looked happy. The brunet practically forced his husband into the car today so they could go to the pet store.

"What do you think about the name Mushu? Like from Mulan," Taehyung asked as he turned down the music slightly.

"Hmm. No," Jeongguk answered as he crossed his arms.



"You are just being petty. I think Mushu is a great name. Oh! Or Iggy. Iggy the iguana. That has a ring to it, don't you think?" Taehyung exclaimed, excited about the whole situation.

"Hmm. . . no,"

"You are still going to act like a sad cow? Really Jeongguk? You are a grown adult," Taehyung accused as he took his gaze off the road to give his husband a quick death stare.

"Okay fine, let's just make this quick," Jeongguk added, dropping his snarky behaviour.

"Good! So I was thinking. . ." The brunet began, completely recovered from his anger.

The next twenty minutes was filled to the brim with Iguana talk. Though as much as Jeongguk denied it, seeing Taehyung this excited about something about something made up for being dragged out to go to the pet store.

Finally, the two pulled up in front of a small shop, Taehyung manoeuvred the car into the disable parking space and switched off the engine.

The brunet climbed out of his seat and went round to the passenger door to get Jeongguk's wheelchair. Taehyung pulled the chair out of the car, unfolded it and pushed it to where Jeongguk was.

The ravenet had his car door open and had swung his legs round. By doing this, Jeongguk was able to manoeuvre himself onto his wheelchair with a little help from Taehyung.

Although Jeongguk had made excellent progress in his physiotherapy, standing for extended periods of time was still straining on his leg. Using a wheelchair would be the best option for today, as much as Jeongguk hated the restrictive and debilitating feeling of his wheelchair.

After locking up the car, the two set off towards the pet store. The pair garnered a few odd stares on their way. Perhaps it was the wheelchair? Or even the flirtatious nature in which the two husbands talked to each other.

Taehyung bent down slightly to hold Jeongguk's hand that was resting on his shoulder, almost begging to be picked up. That was definitely what one woman was looking at as she made a disgusted face at the two.

The brunet was prepared to ignore the matter, determined not to let the woman's snarky behaviour ruin his good mood. However, Jeongguk was far from convinced to just 'let it go', so he did something to irk the lady.

Jeongguk kissed his husband.


While staring dead into the woman's eyes he leaned back and turned Taehyung's head with his rough hands. The ravenet's grip slipped down to the nape of Taehyung's neck as he pulled at the thick hair there. The brunet moaned slightly at the unexpected nature of the kiss but reciprocated the action in a hasty manner.

Jeongguk broke eye contact with the lady as he fixed his eyes on his husband, who was more than slightly flustered by what had happened.

"What was that for, Commando?" Taehyung asked after regaining his bearings.

"I just felt like it,"

"Hmm. If you say so," The brunet replied sceptically before returning back to pushing Jeongguk's wheelchair, leaving the shocked woman behind.

Soon, the two entered the shop and made it to the iguana section. Taehyung practically had heart eyes as he looked at the cute animals. Jeongguk rolled his eyes good-naturedly, a small chuckle falling from his lips.

Almost immediately, the giddy brunet was drawn to a small iguana tucked away in the corner. It was a green, scaly iguana that had tiny eyes and a rather large head. Stipes of crimson and black littered the rough skin of the animal and when the iguana moved its head to look in Taehyung's direction, the male squealed excitedly.

"I think this is the one! He's so cute!" Taehyung exclaimed as he looked at Jeongguk who was reading the information on display about iguanas.

"That's great Tae, let's go and talk to one of the-"

"BUT LOOK AT THIS ONEEEE!" The brunet suddenly proclaimed as he rushed over to another iguana. Taehyung bent down to look through the glass container before an excited yelp left his mouth. His eyes seemed to bulge in excitement as he jumped up and down.

"Oh dear lord. . ." Jeongguk cursed when he saw Taehyung's hypnotised state.

"I thought you liked the other one?" The ravenet questioned, sighing when he saw how Taehyung cooed at the little animal.

"But this one is cute too! Look at his little eyes! Aww Jeongguk," Taehyung exclaimed as he turned around to tug on his husband's sleeve. Jeongguk complied and wheeled himself over. The male inwardly cursed himself for finding the iguana cute- Taehyung was really persuasive at times.

"So, which one do you want to get then?" Jeongguk asked, dreading where this conversation was heading.

"This one! Wait no. This one. Yeah this one," Taehyung stuttered out before finally deciding on one.

"Well that's great then I'll go-" Jeongguk began, surprised that his husband was able to decide so quickly.

"But look at this one!"

"Oh come on," Jeongguk blurted out, internally cursing himself for thinking Taehyung would make this so easy.

"Hey! This is a very important decision," Taehyung chidded as he placed his hands on his hips.

"Yes, yes of course," Jeongguk replied, running his hand through his hair to get the long strands out of his eyes.

After a while, Taehyung finally made a decision and bought the first iguana that they saw. Both husbands were happy that they found an iguana- well Jeongguk was mainly glad that Taehyung had finished his divering.

"So, what name have you decided on?" Jeongguk asked, breaking the silence that blanketed the two males.

"Mushu. I think it suits him," The brunet responded gleefully, proud of himself for coming up with the name. The stripes of mahogany were very similar to the movie character and Taehyung began to think that it was destiny that he saw the iguana.

Jeongguk hummed in response as a way to hide the slight excitement threatening to burst out of him. Despite his best efforts, the ravenet was genuinely excited about having a pet.

In fairness, Taehyung used bribery and deception to tempt his husband into getting Mushu.

Harsh tactics- but very effective it seems.

Jeongguk is far from weak and yet whenever it comes to Taehyung; his resolve just doesn't stand a chance.

After all, Taehyung can be very persuasive at times.

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