Chapter 12 - Reconciliation

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No one's POV:

As soon as Taehyung stepped out of the bustling, noisy restaurant and into the barren parking lot, he sucked in a deep breath.

The cold night air was chilling and Taehyung felt goosebumps rise on his arms, biting at his skin. A shiver ran down his spine causing the brunet's teeth to chatter and his legs to shake.

However, he had a mission, and that was to find his husband. Taehyung squinted his eyes to make out any figures that were hidden by the cloak of darkness.

It wasn't difficult though, Jeongguk was leaning against a pillar a few meters away, smoking a cigarette.

The military uniform gleamed under the moonlight and Taehyung gulped as Jeongguk took a long drag of the cigarette.

Jeongguk's muscles bulged under the tight fitting uniform and that material contrasted beautifully against the Marine's tan complexion. Each time the ravenet pulled the cigarette up to his mouth, his biceps visibly tensed and then relaxed as he lowered his arm.

Taehyung slowly approached the slightly threatening man and whispered a small "Hi," that was barely conceivable.


Perhaps it was the cigarette and uniform that was off-putting to Taehyung, who is never easily intimidated. More likely however, it was the recent argument and an angry Jeongguk scaring the shit out of Taehyung.

The ravenet is always so calm and patient so seeing the stark contrast was unnerving.

The brunet just looked down sadly at the blunt reply and rolled his tongue on the inside of his cheek.

This was going to be difficult.

"I'm sorry," Taehyung spoke up again.

Admitting he is wrong is something Taehyung has always struggled with- he is normally a bit too headstrong.

Although he stood by what he had said, the brunet had completely forgotten Jeongguk's feelings in the matter.

To be put between your husband and one of your friends must have been difficult. To top it off it was the night before deployment, Jeongguk was stressed enough.

"It's okay. It's good to stand up for yourself Taehyung but you have to understand that it's just Jaesung's bullshit bravado. He acts all tough but really he is scared. What he said wasn't okay but I promise you, you can address his awful behaviour once we get back," Jeongguk stated.

The Marine really didn't like Jaesung, but they worked together and even though he would trust the man with his life, Jaesung's opinions about most things are horribly insensitive.

"Yeah I get it," Taehyung replied. He really did understand and it didn't shock Taehyung to learn that Jeongguk doesn't like Jaesung. Taehyung has seen the eye rolls and disappointed faces that his husband pulls when he is around that sad excuse of a man.

"Everything is just a lot to handle right now and-" Jeongguk started but his words got caught in his throat, his deep voice trailing off as the thick emotion caught up to him.

"Yeah I get it," Taehyung replied as he watched Jeongguk take another drag of his cigarette. The brunet's eyes traced the delicate movements of his husband, swiping his tongue across his bottom lip when the glowing stick made contact with the marine's crimson lips.

"You shouldn't use those," Taehyung stated as he gestured to Jeongguk's cigarette.

"Yeah I know. I only have them when I'm stressed," Jeongguk justified as he chuckled slightly, letting the smoke escape his mouth and float into the chilling air of the night and up towards the blackness.

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