Chapter 30 - Comfort

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No one's POV:

"Are you feeling better?" Jeongguk asked as he paused stroking Taehyung's head to look down at the male.

The pair had been sitting there for some time now, with Taehyung trapped between Jeongguk's legs as the ravenet hugged him from behind.

Taehyung was looking much brighter now and much of his shaking had come to a halt. His face was less pale but it was still quite obvious Taehyung was unsettled by the incident. That was evident by the tired look in his eyes that he could barely open.

Yet still, Taehyung tried to stay awake, knowing he shouldn't sleep right away in case his levels dropped suddenly.

The strenuous effects of exhaustion loomed over the tired male but staying awake with Jeongguk did seem to breathe a sense of life into him. A brief comfort from the fatigue- like a candle in the wind.

The calmness certainly wouldn't last that long but after Taehyung's blood sugar goes back to a steady level, all would be well again.

". . . I'm- I'm alright now," Taehyung eventually replied, pushing his head further into the warmth of his husband's chest.

In all honesty, Taehyung just felt so stupid for not monitoring his diabetes correctly. His app was beeping nonstop at the lowering of his blood sugar levels. Ever since being diagnosed with diabetes, the brunet promised his mother that he would look after himself properly.

Right now though, Taehyung put his health on the backseat and it was probably the worst decision he could have made.

This wasn't even the worst of what could have happened.

Death is on the table here. However, thinking about what could have happened in comparison to what did is rarely ever helpful in life.

Sometimes it's a kind of false hope and other times it's a fateful reminder of tragedy.

Jeongguk continued to stroke his hands through the fluffy curls of the brunet. The silky chocolate strands slipped in between Jeongguk's fingers as he fiddled with Taehyung's soft head of hair.

Taehyung felt more and more relaxed by the movements. The soft caress of Jeongguk's calloused hands was mesmerising in a way and it seemed to dissipate the strong feelings of regret and fatigue.

Jeongguk's touch brought a strange sense of comfort that Taehyung didn't want to end. Maybe it was the way his nerves tingled at the calming sensation- or perhaps it was the person doing it. Either way, Taehyung felt his eyes grow heavier with sleep despite not really feeling very tired.

"Tae, if you are starting to fall asleep then maybe we should go to bed. I don't want to have to wake you up," Jeongguk said, stopping his movements entirely and making Taehyung mewl at the loss of contact.

"Do we have to?" Taehyung replied, tilting his head up slightly to look at his husband. It was basically midnight and even with the drop in blood sugar levels the brunet would be tired now anyway. It was also safe to assume that his levels had become stable and if they needed correcting, Taehyung would just have to wake up and deal with it.

Jeongguk chuckled at that because it was more than obvious Taehyung was trying to win him over by acting all cute. The brunet's lip was jutted out and his eyes seemed to grown more doe-like in nature.

Jeongguk's resolve is strong though, he didn't spend all this time in the Marines just to be won over by a cute face. Anyway, if Taehyung had his way, Jeongguk knew exactly what would happen- either way the brunet was going to be annoyed.

"Yes. It's not up for discussion. I know what you are like, Tae. You'll fall asleep and then be all grouchy and mad because I woke you up. But then if I don't wake you up then you'll complain that you slept at an awkward angle and that your back hurts. So yes. It's bedtime," Jeongguk reasoned before pushing Taehyung up slightly.

The movement caused the brunet to grumble lowly- partly because Taehyung didn't get his way but also because all the warmth he had accumulated in his comfy spot had vanished.

"Fine," Taehyung replied, knowing Jeongguk was more than right. The ravenet chuckled at his husband's bluntness, a lovesick smile encapsulating his entire face. Begrudgingly, the brunet got up and handed Jeongguk his cane.

After getting ready for bed, Taehyung began to set up his sofa bed but before he could even get out his duvet, Jeongguk interrupted him.

"What are you doing?"

"Going to bed?"

"Seriously?" Jeongguk questioned as all that had happened tonight played in his head like a broken record.


"Taehyung you can sleep on the actual bed tonight. My leg hasn't been causing me much pain recently," Jeongguk stated, it was partly a lie. Of course his leg hurt but if Jeongguk said that then Taehyung would never switch.

"No, your leg takes priority. End of," The brunet replied, not having any of it.


"No ifs. No buts. No coconuts," Taehyung added, not willing to compromise on this topic at all. The brunet knew he would just feel guilty if he took the bigger bed and he probably wouldn't be able to get any sleep from that anyway.

"Well, what if we just shared?" Jeongguk then asked, looking at his husband with questioning eyes. The Marine didn't really think of the full implications of what he had just said and almost instantly he feared what his husband would reply with.

Taehyung just stood there, a blank expression covering his face.

It wasn't a. . . bad idea?

A flurry of thoughts soon bombarded Taehyung's mind. Sure, sharing a bed would solve all of their problems but it was definitely an intimate step.

Overthinking everything was Taehyung's specialty and right now there was definitely a lot to think about.

It's just that Taehyung didn't trust himself around Jeongguk.

It was more than clear that boundaries had been crossed previously and the brunet didn't want to complicate their relationship even more.

They would need to get a divorce soon- even if neither of them actually wanted to separate.

"It would just be for tonight. Then we can go back to our original arrangement," Jeongguk reasoned when he saw the confliction in Taehyung's face. Neither of them should have to sleep on the uncomfortable sofa bed that takes forever to set up.

The ravenet felt horrible for making Taehyung sleep on it anyway and this was just adding to the guilt. Taehyung had been through a lot tonight, even if he was pretending that everything was fine again.

". . . Okay," Taehyung finally replied after taking a moment to think it through.

The two husbands then made their way to the master bedroom and began to get under the sheets. For some reason, Taehyung could feel his heart thumping. Nervousness consumed him for no good reason.

It was just. . . Jeongguk.

Jeongguk made Taehyung nervous and it was an uncomfortable feeling for the brunet. Nothing like this had ever happened before, let alone with someone Taehyung wasn't really supposed to like.

He bit his lip slightly as he began to fiddle with the hem of his pyjama top. But looking over at Jeongguk, the male seemed so calm and unbothered by the whole thing.

Although the Marine took a bit longer to get himself into bed and sort out his positioning with all the pillows- eventually they were settled in.

They are just sharing a bed that is more than big enough for the two of them.

It wasn't like anything was going to happen.

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