Chapter 42 - Good things

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No one's POV:

Jeongguk should have known better; he blamed himself for that.

Perhaps it was inevitable that they would get caught, when did these things ever work out anyway?

People were going to find out at some point.

Jeongguk was just regretful it happened like that.

Because of him.

Jeongguk wished he hadn't put Taehyung through that horrible phone call.

He wished things could have happened differently.

Scaring Taehyung to no end because of a stupid mistake and careless words.

However, lies catch up to everyone eventually.

You can only spin a web for so long before you run out of room. Then, you too get caught as you back into a corner. A never-ending circle of lies corrupts and entraps those within. Deceit can only go on for a short time before an inevitable comeuppance appears just in front of you like some twisted fate- devouring you whole.

Jeongguk learnt that the hard way.

In a way they both deserved to get caught. They had broken the law after all.

But not in this way; it couldn't end like this.

There was still so much to discover. So much to do and now that time was limited, and only then, did Jeongguk realise he didn't want this marriage to end.

Going down without a fight just wasn't something he was willing to do.

Jeongguk was going to fight for this marriage, this relationship, this love. Not because he didn't want punishment but because it is worth fighting for.

So this is where Jeongguk found himself, waiting patiently in a wide alleyway, just a few meters from where Jaesung had parked his car.

The male was going to have to walk through here and Jeongguk would be watching, waiting. Ready to strike his unsuspecting victim and make him pay for blackmailing his husband.

Given that his leg was almost fully healed, Jeongguk didn't worry about not being able to stand his ground.

Jaesung deserved to feel pain after acting so callously- like a serpent only biting to cause destruction and chaos. He had spread his venom, decaying and withering the formed bonds between the two husbands. He needed to pay.

And that was when the fiend arrived.

Laughing loudly as he boasted about something on the phone. Jeongguk just rolled his eyes at the pompousness as he pushed himself off against the wall, leaning slightly on the cane in his right hand.

Jaesung walked with purpose, his head held high for the sole purpose of looking down on others. His countenance screamed exuberance as Jaesung's holier than thou attitude shone through.

It was remarkable to see such a change in a man. He had, at one point, been respectable but now he had fallen far from that.

Although Jaesung had never been particularly agreeable, he was damned good at his job. There was no denying his strength and quick thinking, so unfortunately Jeongguk found himself able to trust Jaesung's judgement, with anything Marine related. It was just a shame about the personality that lied underneath. Jaesung was brash and reckless, certainly not caring about his disregard for other peoples' feelings.

After being dishonourably discharged from the Marines for harassment of a female co-worker, Jaesung had fallen into a state of utter disrepair.

Any sign of professionalism was eradicated and instead replaced by a need to be drunk almost every hour of the day.

His clothes were scruffy. His eyes were cold. His hair was unkept and resembled more of a bird's nest than anything remotely human.

Jaesung also seemed to have a drunken gait as he staggered down the alleyway, reeking of alcohol.

"Jaesung," Jeongguk remarked, as he moved to stand in front of the half collapsed male.

A grumble sounded from Jaesung, a grin etching into his face as he looked up from his phone to disconnect the call. Piercing black circles that stood under his eyes stared back at Jeongguk.

"Fancccy ssseeing you hereee~" The ex-Marine slurred, hints of whiskey impeding the air and staining it with the putrid scent.

Jeongguk just rolled his eyes at the cocky behaviour and said "I know what you did. I know you are the one. So don't even try to hide it,"

Suddenly, a proud smile covered the face of Jaesung. By the looks of it, the man wasn't going to even try to deny his participation in the blackmailing.

"Very cleverrrr, Jeon. Youuu know, it was nice sssspeaking to your husband. I definitely had a great view of him from behind," Jaesung spoke as he reminisced about what had happened yesterday.

Jeongguk's hands clutched into tight fists at the thought of Jaesung staring at his Taehyung in such a way. "Get his name out of your filthy mouth and stay the fuck away from my husband,"

Sharp nails began to dig into the ravenet's palms, leaving little crescent moon shaped indents in the calloused skin. Jeongguk tried to control his breathing, short puffs of air leaving his nose at a slower rate than the previously erratic pace.

Biting his tongue slightly, Jeongguk tried to take the high road.

Jaesung was unpredictable and drunk.

Very drunk.

"Ssso, where's my money Jeon," Jaesung questioned as he staggered forward and pointed his finger haphazardly in Jeongguk's direction.

"We aren't giving you a cent," The Marine spat as he inched backwards to get away from the reckless man.

Those words only seemed to anger Jaesung as he furrowed his eyebrows and limped forwards, letting out a series of disgruntled huffs.

Then, he stretched his hand back, folding his fingers so they curled into a tight fist. The punch soared through the air before Jaesung's wrist landed in a cage of Jeongguk's fingers.

With Jaesung's hand caught in his own, Jeongguk formed a fist and hit the groaning male in the stomach, letting his cane drop to the floor. A series of pained sounds echoed through the air as Jaesung tried to retaliate but only a weak punch was able to get through to the ravenet's shoulder.

Pushing the drunken male away from him onto the floor, Jeongguk let out a deep exhale. Picking up his cane, Jeongguk whispered darkly, "If you ever go near my husband again, I will person see to it that you suffer a pain so excruciating that you won't want to wake up the next morning,"

Jaesung tried to stick his leg out and kick Jeongguk but the ravenet saw it coming from a mile off and thwacked his cane against the struggling man's leg. A sharp slamming sound echoed through alleyway as Jeongguk clubbed the ex-Marine that was now fully collapsed to the ground.

The ravenet had to stop and try to control himself from hailing down a storm of blows. Maybe that generosity would compensate for the slimy manoeuvres this pathetic man had tried to pull just so he could get money.

But Jeongguk wasn't going to do that; he isn't that dumb.

Jeongguk wasn't just going to fight his case. He was going to claw and scrape to make sure that Taehyung didn't face any consequences for his involvement.

Jeongguk would protect Taehyung to the end and this was all just to put Jaesung in his rightful place. On the ground with all the dirt and scum.

Jaesung wouldn't talk about this and he knew that, the ex-Marine's pride would undoubtedly get in the way. However, it did mean he was going to report Taehyung and Jeongguk to the military police- in fact it was to be expected really.

But they would be prepared.

Taehyung was beyond angry right now but there was a way out of this.

There had to be because Jeongguk knew exactly what he had to do.

Honour Jimin's dying wish and protect his husband.

Unlawfully HisOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora