Chapter 38 - Golden Blue

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No one's POV:

The sun shone high in the sky, its beams of light hitting the sapphire water and spreading the trumpets of wonder across the vast expanse. Sandy shores glistened under the heat of the bright ball, little seashells and creatures being highlighted by the rays of golden yellow.

Perhaps not so unusually so for the time of day, the beach was quiet.

The two husbands had timed their arrival perfectly. It was 12 o'clock on a Tuesday morning so there were no children, only a few dogs and their owners.

The landscape and lack of sound made for a serene outlook that both males basked in. Finding comfort in each others presence was easy as the two walked down the pathway. Jeongguk's hand was slipped through the loop Taehyung had in his arm as he held it out.

Although Jeongguk had his cane with him, he was hardly using it. The support his husband gave him seemed to be more than enough. Clutched in Taehyung's hand was a basket and leash, wrapped around Mushu's neck, as he trotted along beside the couple at a fairly slow pace.

The stone pathway that led to the beachfront was uneven, with rocks and pebbles scattered along the ground. Thick blades of long grass draped over the path, casting small shadows on the feet of those that walked on it. Swooshing in the wind and brushing by the couple that passed them, the grass swayed back and forth, creating a gentle rustle that was carried away in the salty breeze.

The beach was perfectly clear.

No litter and almost no sign of life.

The golden sand shone bright as the two men gradually walked towards an empty spot by the thick grass, overlooking the vast, blue ocean.

The day was mild and fairly cool as the breeze of the ocean carried its chill onto the beachfront.

Eventually, after laying down a red tartan blanket, the two males sat on the thick material. Taehyung placed the picnic basket to the side and tied Mushu's leash to a rock that was within reaching distance so he could wander and still come back for petting. Jeongguk laid his cane flat by the side of him and then leaned back on his forearms while the brunet set up the food for them to eat.

A delicious spread was placed out and at the bottom of the basket were some pillows that Taehyung fluffed up, so they would be more comfortable.

The two had made pasta earlier in the day as well as some fruit bowls and ice cream that they could eat together. By no means was it anything fancy but both men loved the variety of colours and flavours that their lunch contained.

"Lunch. . . is served, my good sir!" Taehyung boasted as he placed the bowl of pasta in front of Jeongguk. The bowl was covered with a vibrant crimson tomato sauce and had various vegetables and cheese cut up into it.

"Thanks Tae," Jeongguk responded gratefully, as he picked up a fork.

"Oh hey look at that cute dog," The Marine pointed out with his finger to a fluffy chihuahua that was leaving small paw prints in the sand.

Taehyung looked over immediately and began to coo at the small dog. He was so enraptured that he barely noticed anything going on around him. The brunet's eyes were solely focused on the caramel coloured chihuahua.

"Hey, I'm just as cut," Jeongguk huffed when he saw how much attention his husband was giving to another being. Taehyung rolled his eyes at the slightly unusual behaviour of the Marine but thought nothing further of the matter.

"Wow. Such a child Kookie,' Taehyung laughed as he turned back around. Both men began to eat their pasta until the brunet sat up straight and began to sift through the contents that still remained in the woven basket.

"Where did I put it? I'm sure I packed it?" Taehyung whispered as he scratched his head. The male meticulously checked everything before they left the house so the missing item was a complete mystery to him.

"What are you looking for babe?" Jeongguk asked, trying to cover the smirk on his face- knowing damn well what Taehyung was frustrated about.

"My hot sauce," Taehyung stated with a pout on his face. The expression the male had made him seem like a kicked puppy, with his puffed up cheeks and worried eyes.

"I can't eat the pasta without it, it just won't taste as good. What-" Taehyung began but stopped when he saw a little bottle being hidden behind Jeongguk's back when he leaned down slightly.

The brunet's demeanour changed almost immediately as his eyes turned cold and a scowl covered his face.

It became immediately obvious to Taehyung that Jeongguk had tried to distract him with the cute dog while the male took his beloved hot sauce.

Very cunning.

Taehyung opted to seek revenge for such deceitful foul play.

Therefore, he didn't dwell on it and had a much bigger plan to put into action.

"You wouldn't know where it is would you Jeongguk?" The brunet stated, not really asking a question since it was more than obvious his husband was playing tricks.

"Not a clue Tae,"

"Hmm," Taehyung replied as he scooted over to his husband before pinning him down by the shoulders and pushing him onto the blanket.

Instantly, Jeongguk's face morphed into one of guilt and shock as he realised his little trick had not played out the way he wanted it too. The ravenet seemed to avoid eye contact instinctively as he tried to hide his smirk.

"You dirty, little rascal. Totally uncalled for," Taehyung insulted, as he narrowed his eyes down at his husband.

"I'm sorry it was just so tempting," Jeongguk apologised as he tried to contain his laugh by biting his tongue to stop his mouth from lifting.

Taehyung just squinted his eyes accusingly as he snatched the bottle from where it was next to his husband's side.

"I know how protective you get over your precious hot sauce," Jeongguk said as he booped Taehyung's nose.

A look of surprise covered Taehyung's face and his mouth hung open when he felt the Marine's index finger touched his nose.

Jeongguk burst out laughing when he saw the brunet's expression and soon after, Taehyung too was giggling at how stupid this whole situation was.

Getting off of his husband, Taehyung sat back down in his original spot and said, "Can't believe you betrayed me like that,"

The brunet clutched onto his heart in fake hurt as he looked at Jeongguk accusingly.

"Really? Because I can," The ravenet replied with a smirk as he got to eating the pasta. Taehyung just rolled his eyes and tried to hide the lovesick smile that covered his entire face.

Then, the brunet doused the pasta with hot sauce. Adding extra just to spite his husband.

"Really?" Jeongguk questioned when he saw the copious amount of red liquid covering the whole bowl.

"Yes, really," Taehyung replied as he turned his head up and raised his palm towards his husband.

"I will hear no more slander, thank you very much,"

Jeongguk just laughed at Taehyung's childish behaviour.

Secretly adoring how cute he could be without even trying.

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