Chapter 26 - Unbreakable

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No one's POV:

Taehyung huffed as he made his way up the stairs that led to his apartment. The male had cups of tea and coffee in one hand and a bag of breakfast burritos in the other.

Climbing up the stairs was getting exhausting and the coffee was spilling over the edges of the cups, landing on Taehyung's bare hands.

"ARGH! Fucking fuckity fuck!" The boy screamed when the warm liquid began to spread over the back of his hand. The accident made Taehyung climb the stairs a bit faster in order to wipe the coffee off.

By the time Taehyung reached his door, his hand felt numb but the pain was bearable. The brunet knew he just needed to run his hand under the faucet for a bit.

Taehyung fumbled with his keys to try and open the door and was surprised when there was no creaky sound. After all this time, the boy had gotten used to the jarring noise.

Thinking no further of the matter, Taehyung made his way into the apartment and placed everything down on the table.

"Jeongguk! I'm ba-" Taehyung began but he immediately quietened down when his eyes landed on his husband's empty wheelchair.

The brunet's eyes widened in horror.

Something bad must have happened.

Jeongguk could hardly walk so why was his wheelchair empty and abandoned?

Taehyung felt worry consume him as he looked around the small apartment, his eyes darting rapidly around the area for Jeongguk.

"Kook! Where are yo-"

"I'm here. I'm here," Jeongguk stated as he walked towards Taehyung, leaning on his cane for support.

"Oh my god! You're walking?" Taehyung exclaimed, overjoyed at seeing his husband more like his normal self.

"Yeah barely. Hurts like a bitch," Jeongguk replied, lowering himself down into the wheelchair before leaning the cane against the wall.

"Well it's still an improvement," Taehyung stated, overlooking Jeongguk's pessimism with a roll of his eyes.

The brunet then slowly made his way over to the kitchen to turn on the tap. The water came gushing out and Taehyung hissed when it made contact with his reddened skin.

"What did you do?" Jeongguk asked as he too moved into the kitchen to get the tablewear.

"I spilled the drinks on my hand," Taehyung replied shyly, he knew what Jeongguk's reaction would be.

"Idiot. Let me have a look,"

The brunet chuckled to himself, somewhat proud to have guessed what his husband would reply with. Taehyung did what his husband asked and turned the tap off, wiping his hand on his jeans, before passing it down to Jeongguk.

The ravenet inspected the injury carefully, making sure not to touch the damaged area.

"It's nothing serious, but you ought to put some neosporin on it," Jeongguk explained before letting go of Taehyung's hand and heading to the medicine cupboard.

"Here you go,"  Jeongguk announced as he handed Taehyung the cream and a small bandage roll.

"Thanks Gguk. I'll put it on after we eat,"

Jeongguk just nodded his head as he pushed his wheelchair over to the cupboards in order to find plates.

Taehyung helped him by carrying the food out to the balcony and setting it on the small table there. They then spilt up the food equally and began to eat.

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