Chapter 5 - A New Low

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No one's POV:

Taehyung groaned as he brought over yet another beer to an impatient customer- the bar was bustling and getting over to the various tables scattered about the room got increasingly difficult when more people filtered in.

A band was playing tonight and the thumping music was causing Taehyung's heart to beat loudly in its cage.

He struggled to keep the drinks stable as he meandered through the sea of bodies blocking his path. The music only seemed to grow into an all consuming drone as Taehyung finally reached the table of five.

"Thanks love," One of the men said as Taehyung placed the tray onto the wooden surface and moved the drinks off of it.

In Taehyung's disoriented state, he didn't even see the woman's hungry stare directed as his leather covered thighs and the way the material clung tightly to the flesh.

Normally, Taehyung would have told the woman to back off but this time, Taehyung was too overwhelmed to even realise.

The music had now grown into a loud and painful drone of cluttered noise. None of the instruments were distinguishable as Taehyung tried to calm down his raging mind.

Staggering towards the bar area, Taehyung's breathing began to turn into nothing more than laboured intakes of breath. No matter how calmly Taehyung tried to control his breathing, it just got worse and worse. The heat spiraled up Taehyung's neck as sweat began to bead on his forehead.

The blaring lights didn't help the situation either; they only blinded Taehyung. The flood of colours infiltrated his vision until all he could see was a bright yellow light fogging up his vision. Swaying left and right, knocking into the various jumping and cheering bodies, Taehyung tried to make out the fuzzy shape of the serving counter.

It felt like hundreds of people were between him and his destination as he stumbled over to the bar stool. Clutching onto the wooden surface desperately, Taehyung weakly called out for Jin to bring his bag.

Taehyung's breath was extremely laboured by the time Jin noticed him. His palms had grown unimaginably clammy and everything felt far too hot for comfort.

As soon as Jin saw Taehyung's state, he rushed out from behind the bar, Taehyung's bag in tow and gently handed it to the struggling boy.

Taehyung made a pitiful attempt to show his gratefulness by flashing a lackluster smile in Jin's direction. The loud, thumping music only seemed to increase in volume as Taehyung made his way to the toilet.

Jin helped him the entire way and Taehyung was thankful for the physical aid. Jin had his arms looped under Taehyung's as he helped the stumbling boy to the toilet and opened the door for him.

The brunet practically fell onto the cool, tiled floor once he was far enough inside. Jin looked down sadly, he knew there wasn't much he could do for Taehyung.

This had happened many times before and as much as Jin wanted to help, he knew this was something Taehyung needed to handle for himself.

Despite this however, Jin still asked Taehyung if there was anything he could bring him. The answer Taehyung gave was expected, "Just cover for me,"

Those were the only words Taehyung could manage to string together as he gave a lackluster thumbs up to Jin in order to save his breath. The man nodded solemnly as he made his way out and locked the bathroom so that Taehyung could be alone while he recovered.

Taehyung leaned back against the cold wall as he tried to steady his breathing.

Day four without the right medical treatments for diabetes was getting to him. In this short time alone, Taehyung had had some serious hypers but right now, he was experiencing hypoglycemia.

His blood sugar levels had fluctuated to both extremities within 48 hours and Taehyung didn't have his insulin to help at all.

Now though, Taehyung needed sugar, so once he had recovered enough the brunet rummaged through his bag.

Sifting through the sugar free biscuits he had, Taehyung finally found his sugar cubes and a small fizzy drink.

Unfolding the packet containing pure sugar, Taehyung popped one of the cubes in his mouth. His blood sugar levels must have been extremely low to have symptoms this bad.

Taehyung decided to take a reading of his levels anyway and went through the usual procedure of pricking his finger and pressing the blood onto the little stick hanging out of the machine.

After a little beep, a number flashed onto the screen of the machine. It read 2.8mmol/L.

A healthy level would be between 4 and 7 at this time and Taehyung wasn't at all surprised by the reading considering his extreme symptoms.

Only a sigh left the diabetic man's lips as he rolled his eyes. He had been majorly screwed over by life and what made it worse was that it was foreseeable.

After a little while, Taehyung began to feel slightly better. The dizziness and pounding headache had gone away by now and Taehyung finally felt like he could stand up for without immediately toppling down.

Deciding to try and cool down a bit more by splashing water over his face, Taehyung heaved himself off of the ground and stumbled over to the sink. Taehyung avoided looking at his reflection in the mirror like the plague for obvious reasons. (He definitely looked like utter shit.) Not surprising considering the nausea and weakness he had felt for the past few hours due to his hypo.

Turning the tap on, Taehyung moved his hands into a cup shape and watched as the water filled up the crevice he made. Next, Taehyung moved his face to his hands and splashed the cool liquid onto his sweat covered face.

As he turned to look back up at the mirror, a little, blue sticker caught the brunet's eye. It was like some God sent sign from heaven; immediately Taehyung thought about how that could instantly solve all of his problems financially and medically.

It was either a solution or some kind of horrid irony given Taehyung's prior experience.

Because, in bold, black letters the four words that sparked an either extraordinary or terrible idea read "Enlist in the Marines,"

Taehyung's thoughts couldn't help but wander back to the words Jin spoke when they first met the marines nearly a week ago. . .

"One of them tried to bribe me into marrying him by selling me the fact that I can get free health insurance."

The words echoed in Taehyung's head as he seriously contemplated whether this was a viable idea.

Sure, it was illegal, but that didn't mean Taehyung couldn't get away with it?

The brown eyed boy sighed as he looked back at himself in the mirror.

No, this was ridiculous, besides who would he even do this with. Jimin was the only marine Taehyung would ever consider marrying and there was no way in hell he would ever agree.

So, coming to that conclusion, Taehyung groaned and turned around to pick up his bag.

Maybe the crippling debt would ease?

Taehyung scoffed at his own far fetched idea.

"Yeah, when pigs fly,"

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