Chapter 34 - Preparation

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No one's POV:

"You look like you are about to throw up," Taehyung stated bluntly, keeping his eyes firmly on the road as he maneuvered the black, leather wheel.

"Maybe it's because you are driving." Jeongguk replied as he tilted his head back slightly and let a little smile cover his lips.

"Shut up. I am not a bad driver,"

"Tae you have like a billion tickets and you aren't the best with directions. One time we ended up at the beach when we were supposed to go to Namjoon's apartment," The ravenet said back, as he shook his head in disapproval.

"That was one time Jeongguk and- you know what- you are changing the subject. I can't believe you thought I wouldn't notice. Kooks I can tell you are nervous but it'll be fine," Taehyung reassured after realising what his husband was trying to do.

It wasn't unusual for the Marine to distract his husband so he could hide his weaknesses.

This was almost definitely one such time.

Jeongguk just sighed after he realised that the brunet knew he was trying to avoid the situation.

"I know but I just hate that we have to hide things. It feels deceitful. No. It is deceitful," Jeongguk justified as he rubbed he forehead with his thumb and pointer finger.

Taehyung just sighed, not knowing how to reply to what really was the truth. The two husbands were going over to Kang-min's for lunch and a lot of family would be there- including Taehyung's mum.

Today had to go well otherwise they could get reported. With Kang-min being military police, that added an extra wave of anxiety to the get-together and Jeongguk definitely felt it.

Still, it wasn't like they could stop and give up but carrying on seemed just as hard.

There had been so many lies spun. Intricate details about how the two met and how quickly they got married were difficult to keep up with. Both men felt terrible because they were lying to the people they love.

Only Jimin knew of the actual situation but now that he is gone, neither of the husband's had anyone to confide in about their arguments. Jimin always gave good advice and acted completely indifferent.

In particular, one thing Jimin said a few days after Taehyung told him about the fake marriage has always stuck with him.

"I mean it's not like I approve Tae because I think you are going to find this more difficult than you think. I know you and I know Jeongguk. You are equally stubborn and have strong opinions," Jimin said openly as he made eye contact with the male in front of him.

"I know what i'm getting into Jimin and if all goes according to plan then our personalities won't be an issue. We won't actually be spending very much time together in the grand scheme of things," Taehyung justified as he explained a little bit more about how everything would work.

"I don't doubt that Tae. I guess what i'm trying to say is don't miss out on something that could be great just because it is difficult," Jimin finally concluded, chuckling at Taehyung's confused face.

"You'll understand soon enough. I guess you just don't see it now," Jimin finished as he looked up at the beautiful sapphire sky with patches of pearly clouds here and there. The sun shone beautifully today and Jimin seemed infatuated with the incredible rays of light that caressed the surface of almost everything, painting it in a honey colour.

"Things like that take time to nurture,"

To this day, Taehyung still didn't fully understand what Jimin meant. However the male took it as a signal of perseverance and hard work, not looking too deep into what the words signified.

It is at times like this when Taehyung misses Jimin the most. He always knew just what to say and both husbands needed comfort from the guilt that consumed them right now.

Someone wise and knowledgeable to keep them going to prevent their hearts from drowning in the deep abyss of guilt.

But alas, Jimin could no longer help and so the two men could only rely on each other when emotions got high.

The drive seemed long even though it is one that the two did very often. Going to Kang-min's house is a weekly occurrence but perhaps the men were subconsciously prolonging the conversations they will have.

"Everything will be fine Kook. We have done this plenty of times," Taehyung reassured as he pulled onto Kang-min's road. The tires screeched when Taehyung made the turn onto the pothole filled tarmac.

"I guess i'm just overthinking things- as per usual. All the lying takes its toll after a while," Jeongguk replied, smiling slightly when Taehyung leaned over to squeeze his hand in reassurance.

"Exactly, you need to stop stressing yourself out so much. No one will find out. We won't have to do this for too much longer anyways and then the lying can stop," Taehyung added as he patted the ravenet's hand one last time before returning it to the wheel.

Taehyung then turned into Kang-min's driveway and parked the car in the space. Unlocking his seatbelt, the brunet climbed out of the car and went into the boot to grab the wheelchair that Jeongguk needed.

Going over to his husband's side, the door had already been swung open to as far as it could go and Jeongguk sat waiting for Taehyung.

With the help of his husband, Jeongguk was able to get into the wheelchair with very little problem. Each time they did this, it always got slightly easier, until it became second nature to the both of them.

"Ready?" Taehyung chirped as he took hold of the handlebars that were at the top of the wheelchair.

"Yeah," Jeongguk replied monotonously, letting his eyes roam the landscape of his dad's house and driveway.

The male seemed downcast but it didn't surprise Taehyung after the conversation that they just had. Nothing the brunet said was ever going to change the way that being deceitful went against Jeongguk's morals and pretty much everything he believed in.

However right now, Jeongguk was sad for another reason. What Taehyung said hit the ravenet in ways that he didn't think it would- or should.

After hearing that this wouldn't have to go on for much longer, Jeongguk couldn't help the pain that overcame his beating heart. Why it did that, the ravenet may never fully understand- or want to understand.

However, the sadness that consumed Jeongguk after Taehyung described what was probably going to happen fairly soon felt like thousands of tiny daggers piercing the Marine's skin.

Was it wrong to want to try and stop the inevitable?

Why did Jeongguk not want this time to end?

It felt like he would be missing out on something that could be so extraordinary if given the time to develop.

But that would be far too difficult and Jeongguk didn't think he could take the rejection of Taehyung not wanting the same thing- not wanting to carry on.

So, Jeongguk said nothing and smiled up at his husband, grateful for at least some time before all of this would end.

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