Chapter 41 - Was it inevitable?

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No one's POV:

As Taehyung looked over at his husband, a strange concoction of emotions began to blend and mix. Feelings of betrayal, anger and worry seemed to swirl into tight coils that were ready to burst.

The more that Taehyung thought about it, the worse his emotions became, until all of them were overridden by rage.

Taehyung wasn't just simmering with anger, no he was boiling. Fuck, the pot had already overspilled at this point. Jeongguk was not only friends with this man- or used to be- but he told him about their marriage façade that was to be kept secret. It was the only promise Jeongguk swore he would never break and yet he did.

Just why?

Taehyung was brimming with rage and all he saw was red. His emotions were controlling him as he clenched his fists in hatred. In his fit, the brunet screamed and threw his phone to the floor, nearly smashing the screen to pieces if it hadn't landed on the case.

But Taehyung just couldn't bring himself to care at this point- he needed to let his frustration out.

Picking up his phone, Taehyung tried to gather his thoughts. There was this nagging voice in Taehyung's head telling him to just run away from it all, escape, and let Jeongguk clear up the mess he had created. It had crafted a spot at the back of his brain, placing seeds of doubt that began to take root and grow. The thoughts he had conceived began to get louder and louder.

Thinking of whether Jeongguk would really betray him was overwhelming and in all honesty, heart-breaking.  Taehyung hardly knew what to do with himself as he sighed and picked up his phone from the floor, brushing away the small grains of sand.

When the brunet turned around and began to stride over to Jeongguk, who wasn't sitting too far away, he felt his rage boiling up again.

The words of betrayal echoing inside of his head.

By the time Taehyung reached Jeongguk, what the man on the phone said was already replaying loudly in his mind.

Jeongguk exposed them.

After all this time?

It couldn't be true could it?

And yet it was.

Otherwise this man wouldn't know.

The ravenet had a concerned look on his face. He was able to hear little snippets of the conversation and of course, the loud voices. The synopsis wasn't good but Jeongguk didn't really know what Taehyung was mad about- just that he was angry

"What is it Tae? You look-"

Jeongguk tried to piece together what went wrong after such a small amount of time. Confusion was written all over the Marine's face, not knowing what he should say.

"What the fuck did you do Jeongguk?" Taehyung yelled in a fit of rage, letting his emotions control him.

"Tae calm down. Tell me what happened. Why are you so angry?" Jeongguk reasoned when Taehyung was only a few strides away from him. Maintaining calm in pressured situations was something Jeongguk was more than used to.

Getting angry doesn't solve anything. In fact, it often creates more problems. So Jeongguk took the calm approach and contained any erupting emotions inside of him.

"Apparently you told someone- one of your friends- about our marriage. Well that dude is now threatening to expose us because of something you did!" Taehyung yelled, venting all of his anger. The brunet jabbed a finger into Jeongguk's chest and let it linger, applying pressure to emphasise his point.

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