chapter 155

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The next three chapters, I felt they were important to include because... (You'll see). As much I like it when nobody understands what is going on, I like it more when the story is understood.

So this is A GWEN CHAPTER.

There will be others where I will show her viper life. I am planning on them so it won't too far from here.

They are flashbacks, but not flashbacks, because the dead cannot really flashback... Crap! I don't know!!

Aargh, this is why I wanted so bad for this to be one book. Can someone tell Wattpad not to be so cruel...



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A couple of months ago...

Gwen was in Lui's mansion at 7 pm in the evening. He had brought her there after an incident with Raffi.

Despite Gwen not wanting to stay there, Lui did not give her a chance to say no. Gwen and Lui had a complicated relationship, and they knew it.

They had pointed guns at each other, Gwen had held a knife to his throat, and Lui had placed a gun on her chest.

They had also physically fought. However, Lui never raised his hand to hurt Gwen. He would block her punches instead of throwing one at her himself.

After Raffi tried to assault her for the second time last night, Lui caught him and was beyond angry. Gwen had never seen him so angry in her life.

He almost killed Raffi, not that Gwen would feel bad for him if he died. But she didn't want Lui committing murders in her name.

So, after Lui saved her, or rather, after Gwen saved herself and Lui drove her away from the cabin where Raffi had held her hostage, he took her to his huge mansion instead of her apartment.

The mansion had tight security, as expected for someone like him, and he wanted Gwen to stay with him until her ankle recovered.

Yes, she had only twisted her ankle while running away, but Lui was acting like she had broken her entire body.

This was something Gwen didn't understand. Why did he care for her so much? They were enemies. Or, frenemies.

When Gwen protested, saying she didn't want to stay there even for a second, he decided to bring her a pet to keep her company and persuade her to stay. It was a black viper.

A smile appeared on Gwen's face when the basket was opened and the black viper’s head poked out.

There was nothing weird about a Viper keeping a viper as a pet.

Now she was lying in bed in the guest room, watching the snake slither its way through her legs, when her phone rang from the nightstand. It was Alexandria.

But she hadn't saved her number as Alex, she saved it as Dumb Be-Yatch.

And Alexandria, she saved Gwen just the same. And nobody felt bad about it.

“Hey Viper! Are you in trouble now or can we talk?”

That was what Alex said immediately when the call connected.

“Are you so in love with me that you cannot go one day without calling?” Gwen said with a sly smile on her face.

Alex rolled her eyes. “Yeah! I love you so much that when I grow up, I want to be just like you,” she said in a fake childlike voice.

“I’m glad I inspire your flat ass so much that you look up to me!”

“Hey, my ass is not flat!” Alex got offended, jokingly of course.

“Don't get all defensive now, Alex... Someone might believe it's true,” she laughed after saying that."

“Whatever Be-Yatch.... I'm inviting you to ladies night out!”

“Will it just be the two of us, or will we have company?”

“Beaulah, Mirabelle, and Asia will be coming too... Oh! And Oscar will be there as our driver so we can all get drunk.”

“That man would do anything to spend time with you,” Gwen chuckled. Oscar was a nerdy boy, a church boy actually, whose brother was a priest.

He went to mass every Sunday and prayed so much. Gwen didn't even think Alexandria knew who Jesus was.

The man had been persistent and was trying his luck with Alex, despite them being exact opposites in more than one way.

They literally had nothing in common. Gwen was sure he wouldn't even be going to the club if it wasn't for Alex.

Gwen admired him a little. He had been rejected more than seven times, yet he still wasn't giving up on Alex. Such determination!

“Aargh! He can't take a hint. I hate men like that,” Alex groaned.

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