chapter 146

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Raffi didn't say anything when he saw the police and kept his head down the entire time.

A police woman asked Elsa if she was okay, if she was hurt in any way. And she told her she was fine with a little smile on her cheek to assure her.

“My husband came just in time,” she said while looking at Jeremy.

But Jeremy did not spare one glance at her. He was just standing there, looking mad. He was still very angry about something. Was he mad at her because she got kidnapped?

Was he still mad at her about the bracelet situation?

The police officers asked Elsa a few questions here and there, and she answered them truthfully. They asked how it happened and how she ended up there.

“You are a woman, Mrs. Callahan. You should never be out at night without a man escorting you,” the police woman said to Elsa.

“The streets are dangerous at night. You should never walk alone, or something like this might happen again.”

Elsa didn't know what to tell her, so she nodded and thanked her for her advice, saying she would keep it in mind.

The police woman told her to come to the police station at 7 in the morning to record an official statement. It was 3 am then, so she could go home and rest for a few hours.

Raffi would be detained at the station as they investigated what happened. After that, they let them go home.

Elsa got in the car with Jeremy soon after, and he quietly drove them home, not saying a single word to Elsa.

Elsa felt so tense, wondering what Jeremy was thinking. She prayed with all her heart that he didn't believe Raffi.

Elsa was just relieved he came when he did and saved her from being taken advantage of.

She was grateful to him and wanted to tell him this, but he seemed so angry, she was afraid to speak. The moment they got to the villa, Jeremy got out of the car and this time he didn't open the door for Elsa.

He just stormed into the house immediately. He was still mad. Of course, he had been clenching his fists on the steering wheel the entire time.

Elsa quickly followed him, hoping he didn't believe what that man said. She didn't know about anybody else, but she hated it when her husband was mad at her, especially over a misunderstanding.

She was only able to catch up to him when he was putting a passcode in his bedroom door so he could open it and get in.

“Jeremy!” she called to him.

Jeremy didn't turn around and never stopped putting in his passcode.

When Elsa saw him about to turn the doorknob and get into his room, she called out again.

“Jeremy, please -” He suddenly turned to her in anger, interrupting her sentence.

“Please what, Gwen? Please what?”

He called her Gwen. Oh no!

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