chapter 132

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Those were the only words he said before turning around again.

Elsa felt that same pain in her heart again. She couldn't let him leave.

“Jeremy, please wait!” Elsa called out again. He stopped and turned around for the second time.

“I didn’t steal that bracelet, Jeremy. I promise I have never stolen anything in my life. Please believe me, just this once. I wouldn’t lie to you.”

Elsa didn’t like that he didn’t believe her. She really wished she could prove herself to him. She wished he trusted her. Jeremy put his hands in his pockets and looked at her, narrowing his eyes.

Elsa decided to tell him what really happened and what Victoria said to her.

“Look, yesterday after you left and talked to Fabian, Victoria approached me. She planted the bracelet on me, making me look like the thief. Maybe she and that woman planned it all along. And she didn't deny it when I asked her this morning. She planted that bracelet on me, Jeremy. I didn’t steal anything from anyone. Just trust me,” she begged.

Jeremy furrowed his brows and sighed deeply, his shoulders falling before walking away again, without saying anything. Elsa looked at his back and didn’t understand. Did he believe her or not?

Why was he still not saying anything?

She wanted him to talk. She wanted him to believe her. She wanted him to hug her and comfort her after the night of pain she had. She needed him.

“Jeremy! I was beat up in that holding cell with the cellmates I was put with. I am still in pain!” she suddenly said.

Jeremy's steps halted and he froze for a moment.

Elsa's hopes rose as she waited for him to turn around. She took some steps towards him. Victoria was lying. He stopped walking away. That must mean he didn’t allow Victoria to get people to beat her up.

Her heart told her it didn't steer her wrong. Jeremy wouldn't hurt her again. She walked closer to him until he was within arm's reach. She reached out with her hand to touch him.

But before she could, he walked away. He left. Elsa felt a pain in her heart again. He left? After she told him she was beat up? Why would he leave?

Did he not care that she was in pain? Did he not care that she was hurt in that cell?

‘It’s okay Elsa, give him some time. Don’t jump into conclusion. He will come around.’


Elsa had to go to work that day. She was quiet throughout as the words the cellmates told her rang in her head.'You thought sleeping with you a few times would make him want to be with you? Aren't you acting a little naive?'

Did their night only special to her and not him? Was she the only one making love and he was just having fun?

No no! That cannot be the case. She shook that thought away.

They might have been lying to hurt her feelings.

The day had been exhausting, and Elsa couldn't wait to go home.

Finally, when it was time to leave, she was in the changing room preparing to go when she overheard some nurses talking.

They were discussing some tapes of patients they had recorded that day.

“Why do we have to store the tapes like this?” a nurse asked.

“We store them as alpha-numeric codes. That's how hospitals designate patient video sessions. We have to comply,” the other nurse replied.

Alpha-numeric codes.... Could they be...

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