chapter 186

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Elsa and Yuliana stood there for almost an hour, and the aunt was still nowhere to be found.

Elsa started asking around, questioning the other adults if they had seen her.

However, none of them had even seen who the child came with.

She asked Yuliana if she had wandered to the park alone, and Yuliana said her aunt had brought her there and went to buy her ice cream.

When Yuliana felt alone, she spotted Elsa and ran to say hello.

Little did Elsa know that the moment she picked up the child, a very important phone call was made. Elsa didn't know what to do.

Yuliana obviously didn't know where her home was, so she couldn't tell Elsa so she could take her there.

Elsa had no choice but to sit on a bench and wait with her as they waited for the aunt.

She talked to the child and asked her some questions about herself. Talking to her made her forget all her troubles and worries.

Yuliana's eyes felt so familiar to Elsa, like she had seen those eyes before. She had seen those eyes on someone else.

But she quickly dismissed that thought, as many people in this world have eyes of that color.

Elsa bought the girl cotton candy and played every game she asked. She had even lost track of time because of how much fun she had watching and playing with Yuliana.

It was only when the sky got gloomy that she checked her phone and saw that it was 3 pm.

Why wasn't Yuliana's aunt coming to look for her? Now what would she do?

She took out her phone and called Lui, telling him she was with a child and they couldn't find her aunt.

Lui advised her to take her to the police station, as it was not her problem. The police would find her aunt. Elsa thought about it for a while.

"How about I take her tomorrow instead?"

"No, Elsa, take her right now."

"Lui, her aunt hasn't even come to look for her. Will she even find her at the police station?"


"And what if her aunt doesn't come by nightfall? Where will she sleep? Let her spend the evening with us, and I'll take her to the police station in the morning. Please, Lui."

Lui didn't like that idea, but he couldn't say no to Elsa, so he agreed.

Elsa thanked him and ended the call. She then turned to Yuliana, who was seated on her lap finishing her cotton candy.

"Do you want to come with me home? And then tomorrow, I'll take you to find your aunt?" Yuliana agreed excitedly.

She wanted to go with Elsa. She liked her that much, despite not knowing her.

Lui's driver came to pick them up because he didn't want Elsa waiting or taking cabs. The driver drove them to Lui's Villa.

Elsa walked inside while holding the hand of a skipping Yuliana. Someone holding binoculars while seated in a car, someone who had followed them, smirked at that scene and then dialed a number.

"She took the child with her. They are at Lui's mansion."

A chuckle was heard on the other side. "Don't act now. Wait until morning. That will make this even better. You know what you have to do then, right?"

"Yes, of course. I remember your instructions very well." "Good. Perform this task flawlessly for me, and I will make it worth your while."


Yap, something bad is about to happen... Actually, two bad things... *Spoiler*.

Or is it three... 🤔 Maybe even four... 👀

... Bad things are coming, that's my point. 😅

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