chapter 118

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Elsa held her breath and removed her blanket from her head, only covering her shoulders and entire body.

She faced the wall opposite the door, not turning on the lights so the room remained dark. She didn't want to face the door that was being closed.

Jeremy turned on the lights, making Elsa more nervous. With the lights on, he could see her and she couldn't hide.

She heard footsteps approaching and bit her lip, closing her eyes.

She knew it was Jeremy, even without seeing him.

Maybe he came to talk about what she had just told him, but she wasn't sure if she wanted to discuss it.

Jeremy took off his shoes before getting under the blanket. He moved closer to Elsa and wrapped himself around her.

Elsa was very nervous and still holding her breath as she felt him pull her body towards him, leaving no space between them.

He held her in silence for a while before asking, “Do you really mean that? Do you truly love me?” His voice was deep and quiet, like a whisper, but Elsa heard him clearly.

“I do,” she answered. “I want to stay with you, Jeremy. Forever,” she confessed, though she knew their time together was limited. So her forever was less than five years.

Jeremy let her go and turned her around to face him before holding her again. His eyes looked at her, her big green eyes blinking innocently. They were filled with nothing but love and admiration for him.

“Then you can stay here with me, forever. I'll look after you. I'll protect you, always,” he said before reaching for her lips and kissing her.

For Elsa, that kiss meant the world to her. She wanted to stay in that moment until her last breath.

Those words he said touched a place in her heart that had never been touched before. In that moment, she realized something she had never known before.

She wasn't just falling in love; she was already in love.

She knew she was in love. This was her first love.

She gave herself to him that night as a way of showing him how much he meant to her.

Because to her, this was a way to show love.

And that night, they made love.


Elsa woke up early on Monday morning, still in Jeremy's arms with her head on his chest and his arms wrapped around her. They were both naked under the duvet covers. Elsa looked at the man next to her, still asleep.

She gently caressed his cheek before a smile escaped her.

She thought she would die without ever falling in love, but here she was months later, after being diagnosed with a brain tumor.

She had broken up with her boyfriend because she was dying, only to be with someone else.

In a way, she hoped Jeremy didn't love her, so her death wouldn't affect him. But she also selfishly hoped he did, so she could feel the joy of being loved by him before her last breath.

She wouldn't tell him about her sickness, just like she hadn't told anyone else. She wanted to deal with this on her own.

She was also surprised that her headaches hadn't come at all when she was with Jeremy. Hopefully, they wouldn't come, so he wouldn't find out about her sickness.

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