chapter 115

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“Exactly,” Victoria replied.

“And he would only want you, right?”

“You guessed that right. Jeremy only loves me, and it's me he will end up choosing at the end of the day. You will never be by his side,” Victoria said arrogantly to Elsa.

“If that's true, how come until now you don't have the keys to his villa and have to knock? But me, the unwanted one, has the keys and can come and go as I please,” Elsa retorted.

Victoria's face fell; it was as if she had uncovered something. But she quickly turned her expression to anger before she gave herself away.

“Don't feel so proud of yourself, Elsa. Have you forgotten that he believes you are Gwen and he hates her? He probably feels disgust every time he sees your face.”

“Hmmm! That is not what he said to me yesterday,” Elsa said with a provoking smile.

Before Victoria could answer, Elsa continued, “You called him, and your call got rejected, and the phone was switched off, right? You were interrupting a very intimate moment for us, so he decided to reject your call.”

She looked at the pale complexion on Victoria's face and smiled.

“Yes, Victoria, I said the word intimate. You didn't hear me wrong. If he was so disgusted with me, how would that have happened?”

Victoria was quiet; she was beyond shocked at those words thrown at her face. She turned pale, then blue, then purple since she forgot to breathe.

“What's wrong, Vicky? Why aren't you talking? Cat got your tongue? Are you realizing that I might be stealing your man away from you, like how my sister did?” Elsa said the last part on purpose to provoke her.

And it worked because Victoria was fuming. She was steaming with rage.

“You are just like Gwen! As shameless as her, a big slut like her! You Halversons are nothing but whores!” Victoria screamed in anger.

Elsa just smiled. She knew she wasn't a slut, and her sister wasn't either. But the burst of anger from Victoria was making her so happy.

She hoped it wasn't weird to be with a man her sister was once involved with.

“Maybe he likes them like that,” Elsa said, shrugging before bursting out laughing in Victoria's face.

The laughter was so mocking that Victoria almost burst like a bubble.

So Elsa was a little like Gwen after all. They weren't too different. They had the same evil witch laugh.

Gwen's was meaner, but they both were very effective.

Victoria couldn't accept this. There had to be an explanation. She took out her phone and dialed Jeremy's number.

She put the phone to her ear and sneered at Elsa. “We'll see about that. You will never get Jeremy, Elsa, you hear me? You will never-”

Her words were cut off immediately when she heard a beeping sound. She looked at her phone in confusion. Her call was rejected?

No, no! How was that possible? What was going on?

Before she could process anything, Elsa's phone started ringing. She reached into her back pocket on her jeans and took it out. She looked at the screen and smiled.

She then showed the person calling to Victoria, and her face dropped to the floor.

Elsa smiled at that and then answered the call, putting it on speaker.

“Hello, Jeremy,” Elsa said with a soft voice.

“Hello, Elsa.”

That felt like a blow to the face. Did he just call her Elsa? Did he know Elsa wasn't Gwen? How did he know? How was that possible?

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