.chapter 184

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"What kind of fun?" Elsa asked.

"Let's just say something that you would love. And that I am sure of," he replied with a contagious smile forming on his lips.

Elsa thought about it for a second, then answered, "Okay, but can it be later? I have to get something important first."

"Of course," he said as he carried Medusa and started walking out of the bedroom.

Elsa probably needed time to get ready for her day. He reached the door and thought of something.

He then turned around to look at Elsa as he spoke, "Actually, let's make it at 4 in the evening. What do you think about that?"

She nodded. "Perfect."

Lui left and closed the door behind him. He took the snake to another room where she wouldn't bother Elsa.

Elsa looked at the clock on her nightstand and realized she had only slept three hours.

But remembering she still hadn't taken her mother's file, she felt no sleep in her eyes.

She wanted to call Allan, but they never exchanged numbers. That left her with no choice but to wait until Monday.

Too bad.

Elsa looked at her painting that she had finished last night and decided to take it to Jeremy. She did make it for him after all.

So, she got ready to leave, taking a shower and wearing some casual clothes - a white flare dress, one of her favorites that she had owned for some time now.

As she left the room, she had only taken two steps from her bedroom door when she suddenly felt nauseous.

She had been feeling a little sick lately, and it was not just the headaches from her tumor.

Remembering that nausea was one of the symptoms of her brain tumor, she went back for her medication and swallowed them.

She then put them in her bag just in case she would need them later. She sat on her bed and waited a few minutes for that feeling to go away.

When she felt like she was okay now, she got up from her bed, but she barely moved when she felt nauseous again.

‘Did the pills not work? Do I need to give them more time?’ she thought to herself.

She lay on the bed for five more minutes before she finally felt better. Before she could leave her room, she heard her phone ring in her bag.

It was Alex.

"Hey, Alex."

"Hey, baby love. How are you today?"

Elsa smiled at that.

"I'm doing good, how about you?"

"Are you sure? You don't sound good."

"Just feeling a little sick-ish. Maybe it's because I barely slept."

"Sick-ish, how? What are your symptoms?"

"Nothing serious, I'm just feeling nauseous. That's all."

When Alex heard that, she felt a little anxious. "Nauseous?"


"How many times have you been nauseous before today?"

"I don't know, probably three times before."

Seeing Elsa so calm about it, she didn't know what to think. Maybe she was just overreacting. But also, maybe she wasn't.

"Oww... Okay. I'm sure it's nothing. You're probably tired or coming down with something. You should go get a check-up to avoid it from getting serious."

"I don't think that's necessary. Besides, I feel fine now."

She still had her doubts but decided to let it go and not push further. "If you say so... By the way, I was hoping you could come by my place tomorrow. Maybe we could hang out?"

"I would love to."

"Okay. See you then, love."

"See you then, Alex."


Elsa took a driver and he dropped her off at Jeremy's villa. She didn't know how long she would be there, so she told him he could leave.

She didn't know if he would be home or not, but just in case he wasn't, she wrote him a simple note.

I hope you like it. I hope it looks perfect in your eyes. Because that's how you look in mine.


She was Elsa, so she wasn't going to sign 'Gwen' on the paper. She walked into the villa, carrying the painting carefully in a bag.

She had her key with her, so she used it to get in. Elsa didn't find anyone in the living room except for the housekeeper, who was vacuuming.

"Hello, Mrs. Jacobs," Elsa greeted. When Mrs. Jacobs saw Elsa, she smiled. Unlike Victoria, Elsa had always been kind and respectful towards her. She didn't look down on her or yell at her in any way.

"Madam, you're back. I'm so glad," Mrs. Jacobs said.

Elsa just smiled back. "How have you been?"

"I'm doing great, madam. How about you?"

"I'm good..." She paused before asking, "How is Jeremy?"

"Master Jeremy, I have barely seen him this entire week since you left. But, I'm guessing he is okay," Mrs. Jacobs replied.

Elsa nodded at that and chose not to comment. She then gave her the bag with the painting.

"Could you please give this to him when he comes back?" Mrs. Jacobs took the bag and nodded.

"I sure will."

Elsa wanted to turn around and leave, only to see Victoria coming into the living room.

And she was not alone. Next to her was Jeremy.

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