chapter 163

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“I just believe someone did this to my mom, and I don't know if I'm right or wrong. I just want to find anything, anything that can show me what was going on with her,” she said as a tear fell down her face.

“You really think so, that your mother was driven to that state?” he asked.

“Yeah, I just want to know about her life here, you know? At least know what happened to her while she was here and why she took her own life and left us. I'll find some peace in my heart once I know that.”

“When I was a child living with her, I may not have noticed because I was too young. Things she might have said that would make sense to me now may have just sounded crazy to me in the past. I want to see it now, maybe now it would make sense.”

Allan listened to her and thought about it for a second before asking, “Would it help if I gave you her file?”

‘Okay, lady luck. Thank you for not leaving me today.’

Elsa smiled and wiped her tear off her face. “It would!” she assured, knowing this would give her more depth about her mom's case.

“I have tapes that I recorded on her progress because I remained her doctor,” he said, letting out a deep sigh before looking at Elsa with worried eyes.

“But I have to warn you, Elsa, you may not really want to watch them.”

Elsa knew he meant she may not want to see her mother in that state of mind she is in the videos. She didn't want to see her like that, but she had to if she ever wants to get to the bottom of things.

“I can handle it. Don't worry about me,” she faked a smile.


“Yes, I'm sure,” she answered, predicting what he wanted to ask if she was sure. Even though she said that confidently, deep down she was scared.

“When I saw you at the storage that evening, I had a feeling you were looking for your mom's tapes.”

“But I had taken the most important ones home with me when Jenna died. You wouldn't have found them in the storage. Her file and her tapes are with me, and I will bring them to you and give you all of them tomorrow before going home.”

No wonder Gwen said she couldn't find some of mom's tapes. She didn't know the ones Gwen found, but she guessed they weren't the important ones. Elsa thanked him for that wholeheartedly with a relieved smile on her face. And then she decided to ask what she had intended to.

“Do you know Daisy Mitchell?”

“Yeah, and I'm sure you know her because she was your mom's friend at the hospital. Why?” Allan looked at her with sincere eyes.

“Can I ask you for something else?”


“Can I talk to her? Can you help me talk to Daisy?” she asked.

Allan's expression changed. “You want to ask her about your mom?”

“I do,” Elsa nodded.

“Elsa... What are you really trying to find? What are you looking for? Can you tell me? I was your mom's doctor. I could help,” he looked curious and disturbed.

Elsa couldn't tell him anything. “I just want to know what happened at that hospital with my mom, that's all.”

“What if what you find isn't what you expect?”

“Then at least I would know the truth!” she shrugged before looking down. “(Sighs) I don't really work with Daisy, but I can help you talk to her. I'll do my best,” he assured her and took her hand again, leading her to his car.

He dropped her off at Lui's mansion and waited until she went inside the house before he left. His conscience felt a little better after talking to Elsa. He didn't truly know if Jenna wasn't crazy.

Everything he was taught showed him that Jenna was mentally ill. I mean, she screamed about demons.

But taking children from their mother, even as teenagers, it haunted him so much.

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