Chapter 53

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I got out the shower and put my towel on, I sat down on the toilet with the lid closed while crossing my arms on my chest, I couldn't help but think about why Joey wanted me? Why me? And why I had again does nightmares.

But suddenly my thoughts disappeared when I heard a knock on the bathroom door. "Alice? You still there?" Said Allison while knocking, "uh—yeah! Come in!" I said while getting up the toilet.

Allison and Audrey came in and they saw me in a towel they quickly closed the door and locked it.

"OH GOD ALICE YOU DIDNT TELL ME YOU WERE IN A TOWEL INK IS LITERALLY OUTSIDE" said Allison while whispering and clinching her teeth.


"SHHHHH" said Allison and Audrey.

"He's going to hear you...!" Said Audrey whispering.

"I can't just go outside like this?! Like "OH HEY INK LOOK AT ME IM IN A TOWEL" HELL NO." I said.

I opened a tiny bit the bathroom door and the three of us peak from the corner spying on Ink. Suddenly Ink looked at us from a far and waved to us.

The 3 of us shoved inside the bathroom and locked the door again. We heard him saying "weirdos..." I literally couldn't stay quiet on that comment so I opened my big mouth and said "WHAT DO YOU MEAN WEIRDOS YOU DING BAG DEMON."

Allison put her hand on my mouth and shut me off. I was literally giggling so much he maybe could've hear me.

"I'm going out." I said.


"Oh cmon. It's not like I'm going to take it off" I said while smirking.

"Uh huh you definitely wouldn't Alice cmon listen to Allison and go change" said Audrey.

"Ughhh two are so party poopers." I said.

"Will wait outside okay?" Said Allison.

"Okay" I said.

She closed the door and I was still giggling a bit about earlier, pretty much so my overthinking thoughts of the nightmare and what happened earlier in the old studio fade away after that.

After I changed I got out the bathroom and saw Ink playing guitar. He didn't know I was behind him and I approached him quietly.

"Nice melody." I said.

"OH—UH HI ALI YOU STARTLED ME-" he said while turning around.

" look...gorgeous in that dress I...can't say anything else" he said while looking at the dress.

"Thanks I guess." I said.

"You don't mind if I sit here..." I said.

"Of course not" he said.

He suddenly started to play the guitar again, I still remember the was charming and flattering. I looked at him quietly as he played, I knew that melody...but from where...

"Tell me how are you feeling toots? You still coughing ink?" He said while putting the guitar away.

"We'll...I'm not coughing that much like earlier but yeah..I'm still coughing a bit" I said.

"You still have the book right?" He said.

"Yes, it's in my bag I mean last time I saw my bag was when I was in your arms and Allison had it."

"We need that book to destroy my father and end this world once and for all, I want to see every each soul free even you." He said while grabbing my hands gently.

He suddenly looked at my left hand, he looked in total shock. He found out about my massive scar in it.

"What happened to you here..?" He said while looking at it.

I removed my hand from he's quickly and tried to hide it but..Ink wasn't stupid, he knew what he saw, he knew that something happened to me in that hand.

"Alice let me see." He said.

"No- it's not important..." I said while hiding my hand.

"Alice. I won't say it again let me see." He said.

He tried to grabbed my hand but I pulled it way roughly and pushed him to the side.

"DONT TOUCH ME." I said while backing away.

"Wow...geez I'm sorry..." He said while putting he's hands up a bit and backing away.

He looked at me in shock, so did I...I knew I fucked everything up with my trust issues. I tried to apologize but I could feel I hurt he's feelings.

"I'm sorry...I didn't mean to snap out that way..." I said.

"It's okay...if you don't want to show me I get it. *clears throat* I forgot I had things to do at home" said Ink.

"You sure I didn't hurt your feelings?" I said.

"Of course not toots" he said.

He kissed my forehead and left to say goodbye to Audrey,Bendy and the others. I couldn't help but over think...I felt how he's expression changed completely, I think I got carried's just I was still learning how to control my emotions.

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