Chapter 24

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I suddenly heard a knock on the door. I got up the floor still sobbing and when to check.


"It's me toots" said Ink.

I opened the door and he looked at me really concerned.

"You okay??" He said.

I ran to him and hugged him tightly as I started sobbing in he's arms.

"Wow...! Hey... it's okay." He said.

"I..I can't anymore Ink.." I said

He tried to calm me down and told me to sit. He brought me some water and sat next to me.

"What's wrong..I hate seeing you like that." He said.

I told him what had happened and he looked shocked.

"I swear I didn't know any of this. You know they still can't trust me well." He said.

He hugged me tightly and I rest my head on he's chest while he hugged me.

"Don't cry..."He said while cleaning my tears.

"Imma go shower. Stay with me. Don't leave." I said.

"I won't leave anywhere I promise. Go shower and stay calm" he said.

I got inside the bathroom and turn on the warm water of the bathtub,I put some wine in my glass and placed it on the sink counter. I took off my shoes and socks and hat. I was about to take my overall dress off when I felt dizzy.I was still a little emotional and my face was wet of how much I cried. I hold my self to the wall trying to open the door so I could warn Ink. I was so dizzy, I suddenly was about to fall to the floor,I tried to hold my self from the sink counter but I passed out and the glass of wine fell on the floor and it broke in pieces and I closed my eyes unconscious.

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