Chapter 3

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Sammy had to leave because he was from the Music Department. I was..well..alone. I heard he was in charge of writing songs and a conductor of music too.

I had to use the stairs because I didn't know where the elevator was at the time.
When I walked in after using the stairs I saw a really tall man holding a projector.
I felt so tiny like, why everyone in here is tallerThan me??

"Ahem. Excuse me" I said

"Hm?" Said the man

He wasn't in the mood I see.

"I'm looking for a guy named by the name um... Norman Polk??"

My hands were sweating of how nervous I was.

"I'm Norman Polk. Do you need something miss?" He said while eating a sandwich.

Oh my god Susie what is wrong with you today??' Like I was looking for this guy Norman all over the Studio and he was literally in front of me all this time!- I said on my headI wasn't normally like this. I was just so nervous today!

"Well uhm I'm new here and Joey Drew hired me to be the voice of the new female character in the Bendy show. Um..Alice Angel if I'm not wrong.??"

Norman: "Ohhhh so your that Susie girl everyone is is talking about here"

Susie's mind: Wait what. They were talking about me here???
Was I getting famous???!!. Okay Susie focus. Focus!

"So where I start recording the voice of Alice?"

I asked.

"Over there"

He said.
I had to go down does stairs again. While he was turning on the projector I was exploring the room. Lots of projectors, A lot of instruments but when I see a lot. There's a lot.
There was a room I saw from where I was.
It had a mic and a stand for papers and headphones. And a big cristal wall.
I was supposing that was my recording area.
Some of the workers gave me some papers.
"This is what you have to say in the show" said that person. This was so easy for me! In less than 5 minutes we started to record Alice Angel's voice!
I sang, I talked! It was pretty fun tho
It was like a Dream come true.  Like they say
Dreams come true.

An Angels Story. (Fan-made) 13+ (READ DESC BEFORE READING THE STORY)Where stories live. Discover now