Chapter 21

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                 (Narrator Alice Angel)

We kept swinging in the swings for a little bit longer, but after few more minutes we got bored and left from the park.
We walked around the city while talking.
I realized I wasn't scared of him anymore.

"So...tell me , how have you been?? I mean the last time I saw you was like 5 years ago back in 1968." He said while drinking he's root beer.

"I've been alright." I said while eating a lollipop.

"Is Allison nice to you?? I heard she can be kinda difficult.." He said.

"She's nice yeah. But a little bossy" I said.

"I get it. She got a soft part for you Alice and just wants to protect you." He said while throwing the Root Beer can on the trash.

"I know but like...why. Why she wants to protect me. Like what's so special she see's on me." I said.

"Maybe she see's you like a sister. You'll never know." Said Ink.

"Her- Being my sister- PFF PLEASE. Last time she said I was difficult and why I act like this and that I was a slut. That actually hurt."

"She called you a slut-? Damn."

"I think we should probably go home now. It's almost afternoon and I'm STARVING." I said.

"You always thinking about food" he said giggling.

"We'll ofc in so hungry you can't imagine, I haven't eaten anything since breakfast" I said.

We went back but this time to my house. Not to Allison's house. Oh yeah um I bought a house in here. I'm still getting used to this city. It's kinda odd because well... I'm used of being in a studio for more than 30 years but at least I don't have to eat bacon soup anymore!.

Ink and I got to my house after we bought so food. We sat on my dinning table to talk a little while we ate.

"Your house is really pretty." He said while eating Chinese food.

"Thank you. Do you have a house?" I said.

"Yeah I do. It's like 20 mins away from here. Eh. I go walking to my house. I just use my car to go out or something." He said.

2 weeks passed and I was walking with Allison and Audrey on the same park again. Allison looked uneasy like if she wanted to tell me something. But I didn't mind. Audrey was just chillin'.
I tried to have fun and climb trees.

"ALLISON! AUDREY COME JOIN ME." I said to them while climbing a tree.

"Uh. Alice it's too dangerous. How can you even do that without being afraid to fall" she said while looking at me from afar.

"You kidding me Allison-" said Audrey.

"Omg honey. Do you know how many areas in the old studio I had to climb? Please stop being such a baby and join me" I said.

"Lol-" said Audrey

They both decided to join me to climb the tree. I climb to the highest part. While they both followed me.

"Alice I swear... if I fall I'm going to blame you." She said.

"Oh my god. Aren't you a brave fighter? Like you weren't afraid to confront me and at the time I could've killed you easily and your afraid of climbing a tree-? Allison come on be for real-" I said trying to not start laughing.

"This is hilarious" said Audrey

We both got to the thick tree breach, and sat down to see the view of the park.

"See? You still alive Alli Hahah" I said while giggling.

"Can you not??" She said while giggling too.

"I can't believe your scared of this Allison"said Audrey.

We stayed in that tree for more than 30 mins talking when I felt rain drops in my hair. I looked up and it started to rain-?.

"Huh-? In this world rains? Since when-"
I said.

"Um idk. Last time I saw rain was more than 20 years ago." Said Allison.

"I used to love the rain when I was younger way before I came here" said Audrey.

We climbed down the tree and it suddenly started raining hard. Us three got soaked by the rain,we looked like 3 wet kittens.
I looked at them and smiled. "LAST PERSON THAT GETS TO THE CAR IS A ROTTEN EGG" I said and started running. "ALICE WAIT" said Allison and I heard her running behind me.
"HEY THATS NOT FAIR" said Audrey running with Allison too.
I suddenly tripped on the watery floor and fell on a puddle of water and got more soaked than before.

Allison and Audrey came running behind me and asked:

"ALICE ARE YOU OKAY-??" They both said.

I suddenly grabbed them both by they're hands and threw them to the puddle with me.I saw how soaked they got and I started howling hard. I never had so much fun in my life and I didn't had this much fun in more than 40 years.

The 3 of us we were laying on the floor of the park while we we're getting soaked by the rain howling and dying of laughter."You should had seen Alice face when she fell" said Audrey. "NO YOU SHOULD HAD SEEN ALLISONS WHILE CLIMBING THE TREE". I said.

I started splashing them with water. In less than a second the 3 of us splashed water to each other.

While we we're plashing each other we heard a smirk, it was a girl she kinda looked like...Carley??? One of the members of the butcher gang. She looked at us like if we we're crazy.

"Uhm- what are you three doing- Like Alice I knew you were insane but don't infect Allison and Audrey with your madness."she said while laughing at us and leaving with her "fancy umbrella".


"Wait Alice. Look what I'm going to do" said Audrey.

Suddenly Audrey started using her powers and she exploded Carley's umbrella. We saw how she left screaming cuz she was getting wet "MY HAIRRR". She said and looked at us angrily.

The 3 of us looked at each other and smirked and give high five to Audrey and we ran away and giggling.

An Angels Story. (Fan-made) 13+ (READ DESC BEFORE READING THE STORY)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin