Chapter 19

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                 (Narrator: Alice Angel)

It was 7:38 pm and I was on Allison's bed talking with her and Audrey while Allison was making my hair and Audrey painting my nails.

"Tell me Alice how did it go with Ink while we we're gone." Said Allison while brushing my hair.

"It was fine he gave me a box of chocolates to repair the damage of how else treated me on the past." I said

"It's good my brother is being nice to you. Allison told me you told her he was horrible. He even threaten to kill you back then." Said Audrey.

"He changed for her. I can feel it..." said Allison.

"Since when you can feel things you weirdo" I said.

"I don't know it's a power I have since I came here you silly head" she said.

We all giggled and it felt good. Finally I had people to talk to. Finally I wasn't by my self like I used to.

"Wait Alice!Allison! Look at me for one second." Said Audrey.

We both looked at her and she stood shocked.

"I just realized you two look literally the same. You two are like twins.!" She said.

She took both of us to the mirror and she was right. Allison and I we looked literally the same. The only thing that changed was my half melted side of my face but we looked legit the same person.

"Imagine if you two we're twins or something??" Said Audrey

"Me being twin of this dork? HA. Impossible" I said.

"I mean there's possibilities you two can be sisters." Said Audrey.

"I'm done with your hair. What do you think??" Said Allison.

She did a half ponytail and put a ribbon on it and a clip on my hair bang.

"It's really pretty. I look...different" I said.

"In what way? Good or..." said Allison.

"Good way. I finally feel pretty.." I said.

"You do?? I'm so proud of you.." she said.

I suddenly yawned of how tired I was. I was exhausted, this was such a really long day for me.

"We should go to sleep now. You like look tired Alice." Said Allison.

The 3 of us got to sleep in our sleeping bags. We we're about to go to sleep when Ink came in came in to the room.

"Oh shit. Sorry I didn't know you three we're about to sleep lmao-" he said

"Goodnight you three." He said.

He closed the door and turned off the light.

"He's so cute...sometimes I have wet dreams with him." I said.

We all giggled for a bit of what I said. But then we said goodnight go each other and fell asleep.

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