Chapter 7

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(September 25,1932)

2 years has passed. I've been working as Alice Angels voice actress for 2 years now.
Sammy and I we're still dating.
I made friends in the studio everything is going fine except one thing.

My obsession with Alice. I couldn't stop.
I couldn't help it. I don't know what I was going to do when the show ends.
If you guys saw my room at the time.
I had posters. Plushies. Cut outs.
This wasn't just a small obsession. This was an addiction.

Let's just keep going with the story.

Every lunch break Sammy and I we get lunch but this time he decided to go to a different place this time to a Diner.
While we ate he asked me a question that made me uncomfortable.

"Susiebell. What's up with you and your obsession with Alice. It's concerning me."

"What do you mean."

I said kinda annoyed.

He changed the topping and we started talking about other things.

"Susie. Now that we've been together for 2 years and we know more about each other. I would like to think about.. getting married"


"But now or when??"

"No no! Not now maybe next year. What do you say"

"I would love that Sammy"

I hugged him and gave him a kiss. I was happy I met the love of my my life and I was finally making a life with him.
I wished I knew things weren't rainbows and sunshine's...Things went downhill the past days.

After a week or two I don't remember.
I got to the studio like usual.
I heard there will be a new integrant.
I wanted to meet that person. I consider my self friendly and kind.

But imma warn who ever is reading this,when I get mad,I get mad.  Keep it on your mind. I heard it was a women, probably 2 years younger than me.
Miss. Lambert told me it was a women named by Allison Pendle.

"What a lovely name!" I said

"Where is she working?"

Miss.Lambert told me she was working on the recording booth like me!

"How neat! I think we will be good friends"

How naive I was sometimes right...?

I got to the recording booth. And I saw her there.She had blonde hair and blue eyes and a shirt with a long skirt gloves and a hat.I saw her with Sammy.They were talking,I approached them and tried to polite with her.

"Hello" I said trying to be nice

"Hello! You must be Susie right??" She said.

"Yes! It's me!" I said.

"Nice to meet you Susie" said Allison.

We shook hands and we smiled to each other, "your so pretty I love your hair" said Allison. "Why thank you! I love your eyes" I said

"So what character your voicing???" I asked.

"Oh! I'm voicing Alice Angel!" Said Allison

I suddenly stopped smiling. Now I was looking at her with confusion.

"Excuse me.? No no that must be a mistake. I'm the voice of Alice."  I said getting a little concerned.

"I'm so confused" said Allison

"Joey said you didn't want to work here anymore and he was finding a replacement so he chose me. I'm sorry" she said.

My heart sank. I was wishing this was just a bad dream and that I would wake up and be the voice actor like usual. But no. It wasn't like that. I looked at Sammy and he stood quiet. He was nervous like if he was hiding something like the other time and he brush it off.
I couldn't speak at all. Tears start to fall from my eyes of how heartbroken I was.

"Susie wait! " Sammy said.

He took me by the hand.

"DONT TOUCH ME." I said crying and fuming with anger.

It wasn't fair at all. What did I do to deserve this.  Why life was so unfair.
Now I realized. Joey, Sammy everyone was a traitor.
I won't let ANYONE. hear me out ANYONE to humiliate me like this. I just ran away.

I couldn't stop crying on the bathroom. My face was full of tears.
I felt like everything fell on me.
Sammy knocked and knocked the door

"Susie please! Open the door I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner"

"GO AWAY" I said


These words I said to him I knew they will hunt him forever.


That's how our relationship broke


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