Chapter 22

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Text conversation between Mara and Declan

M: (3 days ago): why should I trust another one of my brother's friends when I barely know you. We all see how well that worked out with Josh. How do I know I can trust you? Your only doing this because my brother asked you too thinking it will get Josh to stop. I don't want to end up hurt and just be another one of your conquests.

D (2 days ago): I'm not doing it as just a favor to Ryan. Even ask Lucifer if it was one of my four sisters who was dealing with a ex like that I would ask the same of my friends. Call it a brother thing. Plus, you can trust that if anything happens that you don't like Ryan, Lucifer and Ren will have revenge on your honor. Yeah we barely know each other but we can say we were hanging out so much during the program that we just fell for each other and our love story started from there. Come on, Mara it's not a bad idea when you're so scared to do anything on campus and you barely leave that big ole house of yours. This is a chance to gain back some of your freedom and relearn who you are as a person. Ryan and I came up with this as away for you to not be so scared to get close to people. I hate that Josh and his cronies make you feel so unsafe.

M (30 minutes ago): Fine, I agree to fake date you. After what happens today, I think its what I need to feel comfortable even living in my house. Oh, I see so it just wasn't Ryan's idea it was also yours. So, why volunteer to be the poor soul to have to fake date a woman like me? You do know its not easy dating a fat woman. This could ruin your chances to go Pro.

D: No matter what my chances at going Pro all rely on me passing this course before next term starts when, if I don't pass this I can't skate for the scouts. I'm sure Ry has told you all about that since he has a chance to skate now. I don't care about a person body, I care about their personality and how they treat me as a person.

M: I've never heard a man say that before. Dating someone who is bigger then you isn't as simple as you may think it is. You may not care about it but I bet anything your not prepared for the backlash thats about to come to you.

D: Fuck what anyone thinks about it. I say that the people who have opinions about if someone as hot as I am spend their time with someone who isn't equally as hot as them as less then deserving. That person has the issue within themselves it shows how insecure they really are about themselves.

Text conversation between Mara and Kendra

M: Am I stupid for agreeing to this whole fake date thing?

K: No after you being hospitalized today for that asshole cutting you that you almost bled to death before I walked in. He is lucky I didn't follow after them or his rich ass hired people to do that to you for no damn reason. Moira, I rather you have some sort of protection since you're barely who you used to be.

M: I know Ken, I just don't want to actually fall in love with Declan. I already have this stupid crush on him not to add the conversations we have had are so different like I can open up to him without being Judged. I just worry that Luci and Ren are going to be mad at me.

K: If they are, understand Luci is Dec's brother and knows how Dec can be when he is being shady about things. I wasn't going to say anything but after this I think you really should go for this. Who knows the universe might play fair this one time and give you what you have been lusting after for so long. It will also give you the chance to get to know him more then just in class and in text, to know if your feelings are true.

M: thanks Ken you always seem to know where my brain goes when I start overthinking all of this.

Text conversation between Declan and Ryan

D: She finally agreed. What the happened the other night before practice you ran out like the building was on fire?

R (3 hours later): Fucking finally!! Took her long enough. Probably because some assholes broke in when I left, catching a moment when she was alone because my girlfriend was late getting there. That asshole disabled the alarm and everything there is video footage of it even from Lucifers house. Police are now worried its a super fan playing out one of her novels. Right now we are waiting for her to get out of surgery because the fuckers cut her so deep that she's lucky to have a leg. My brothers are all on their way here.

D: When you going to tell her that your in a throuple with her best friends? Sometimes even though your sister is so fine it hurts but sometimes she is so oblivious to the world around her. Is that why Lucifer and Ren's phones have been going off so much. Do you want me to come back to campus and help our? Is she okay? What the hell did they do to her?

D (1 hour later): Ry I swear I waited an hour before texting you again what the hell is going on? Is Mara okay? If I don't hear from you in the next 4 hours Im coming home.

D (3 hours later): Ryan Petrí you better tell me if my future wife is okay damn it. I'm freaking out over here.

D( 1 hour later): God damn it she better be alive Ryan I can't believe I'm saying this but I love her dude. Yeah yeah I don't know that well and what I do know is from you and her friends but fuck she's everything I have ever wanted Ry. I love her damn it, I'm on my way there I'm boarding my flight soon. You better answer when I land.

R (30 minutes ago while Delcan's phone is in airplane mode): Fuck bro, I know you had a thing for my damn sister but love is a whole other thing. You better tell her that one day when you're more then this arrangement since thats the only reason why I agreed to this scheme is because I can tell you two like each other. Fuck Dec, we almost lost her because of them! She went into cardiac arrest while on the operating table, they sliced her leg open down almost through the damn bone. When you land coach or one of the boys will pick you up and bring you here the whole teams here as well as my brothers. Dec, I don't want to loose her to these people and I swear if my rat bastard of a father is to blame for this I'm going to hunt him down myself and kill him.

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