Chapter 16

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Delan messaged me that he wouldn't be at tutoring for a while due to a family emergency. I told him it was fine and that as long as he videoed in to tutoring that he would be counted as being there he agreed. In the back of my mind I'm hoping that he is actually having a family emergency and not just lying but then again I haven't heard from Ren and Luci all week which is completely out of character for them. Usually we have morning coffee on their back porch with other brother and sisters of their fraternity but that didn't even happen. Some of their house mates said they picked up and left so I'm wondering what happened for them to go missing like this. I'm currently sitting in my living room going over the contract Lilith handed me before running out to catch a flight to see Dean play for team USA in a exhibition game. His dream since I could remember is to go to the olympics for team USA he got the call right before this barbecue he is supposed to be hosting for the new team to get to know everyone. He was standing in my kitchen and literally almost set the house on fire when his manager told him that team USA recruiters wanted to see him play in the exhibition match and was disappointed to hear he wouldn't be playing this year. He booked a flight and flew out to LA to go play thats where Lilith is headed today and will be sending the jet for the family tomorrow. I'm excited to see him finally play thats not on TV and I have to relive how the broadcasters finally picked up on that our mother was a huge supernatural fan when she was in her teens and early twenties. My name however came from a show that hasn't been on for years called supergirl we would watch both shows over and over again. She would tells us how she picked our names before looking at us and after she would hold us pick one based on who spoke to her. I'm still thinking about Declan's offer to fake date me since Josh seems to be ramping things up which includes the OSU board of students affairs threatening to expel me for sexual assault and harassment allegations. When I haven't left my house without anyone in months. That caused a horrible amount of anxiety and stress to have them not expel me as I was the mind behind the program Professor Mendes started. They said they had to look into it regardless of a top contributor of the school being my professor, thats when I learned professor mendes was a NHL player and not just a player the player thought out the 90's. That was just Monday today is now Wednesday and I got a notification from my bank that my accounts have been frozen because of possible fraud related activity. Luckily my bank called and we opened all new accounts under an alias name but all my assets are frozen until the money clears. Nothing I own has payments and I'm already a head a couple months on utilities bills so I'm not too worried about it.

I'm currently rewatching season 10 for god knows what time just to stop the raging anxiety I have when I hear my back door creak open. I freeze I'm alone today everyone has things to do usually Wednesday's were Lucifer and Ren days but with them MIA I've been working on my novel, doing hobbies and working through tutoring lessons with all the tutors. I place my hand on the gun I bought months ago before anyone found out after I woke up to Josh hovering over me trying to choke me. I have brothers who taught me self defense so I easily got him off me but he took off before I had a chance to call the police even though I've learned here that they stop bothering with these types of cases. I silently take it out from under the pillow as I hear two sets of footsteps getting closer. I get up watching where I step for the floor doesn't creak and adjust myself to hold the gun like I was taught to with my weight leaning into it out in front of me. I slight quietly up to the wall as the foot steps get louder. I round the corner quickly almost cocking the gun back and screaming when I see Mallow standing in my kitchen with groceries and coffee for me, Daren walking in a second later. "Jesus fucking christ Jace I could of killed you" I say as his eyes meet with the gun first then my eyes his widening in shock. I take the clip out and set it a side and cock the barrel to make sure there wasn't a bullet in it which there wasn't and set it all on the counter taken apart. He sighs as my gaze lands on Darens wide eyed expression and I smile as he walks toward the island setting the rest of the stuff they bought down. "I told you we should have called first. Anyway sorry Angel Lilith is caught up with finding ground to start building and to our knowledge nothing is perfect for her and she won't be around for a while. Since we aren't playing in the cup this year we thought we would spend this time with you since we both can't get enough of you" He says smiling at me. I walk around to him and hug him. We now have a group chat with the three of us and Daren knows about the kiss with Mallow. We have been texting nonstop since the charity event a few weeks ago. I do have to say I'm crushing hard on the two of them but my mind hasn't stopped spinning about Declan and that connection. I just don't want to get hurt from a person who uses women like we owe them something. "Trust me, if I knew she had a gun I would have. When did you even get that and are you trained with it" Mallow says as he starts putting things way. "I got a month ago and yes I have my concealed carry permit" I say as I sit down at the island and watch them place everything in its spot and I can't help but gawk at them. "How did you two know where everything goes? Plus you two have nothing to worry about" I say as Daren turns from my pantry and looks at me with those dark eyes of his. "Lilith may have send us pictures of where everything goes. Plus we have been staying with her and Dean, if we know her as well as we do she does the same thing to you as she did us when we had our apartment. Its kinda why I suggested we just come stay with you because she is driving us nuts with the wedding planning and the facilities and her new regiments to get pregnant as soon as possible. If it wasn't that she was the owner of the new team and they weren't college sweethearts then I would say she was baby trapping him" Daren says and my mouth falls open at the new information that my own brother decided not to tell me. "What?! They are what? I can't believe that little prick. He told me they met as colleagues in Toronto" I say as I look to Daren completely confused as Mallow slides in the seat next to me placing a hand on mine. "You know I have known your brother since I was a sophomore in college right?" Mallow says as I nod. "Well thats where he met Lilith when she was recruiting for her dad. Justin never trusted his recruiters until he sent her in to judge the person. As most of our friends know who she made sure our careers were handled and we didn't have to worry about being traded right out of rookie year like most players are. She didn't know her dad was going after Dean to secure him until she walked in to the Maple Leafs practice facility and she knew instantly that he was there she didn't even have to look. She describes it as this knowledge they are there without even knowing that the universe just wants you to know they are close. Lilith and your brother in college were the it couple but soon her family stepped in saying ridiculous things and she broke it off with him. You will have to ask her for the rest of the details as no one really knows how they came back together it just happened" Mallow says as Daren looks over my face which is in utter shock. "Still why the hell am I just finding this out?" I say looking at them as Daren lays a hand on mine from across the island. "Angel, you don't know a lot like Kathrine, Lilith, Dean and I are really close college friends. Why do you think Aella is so comfortable with him?" He says as I start piecing together everything. Every time Aella is around with everyone she is constantly in Dean's or Daren's arms. If she needs to eat she is on Lilith or Kathrine's arms. I once caught her asleep on my brother chest as she has been here with Kathrine but most of the time she is with one of them. The three watch over her like parents do watching her when Kathrine needs it explains why she was attached to Daren at the charity event. "I'm sorry I have been wrapped up in this Josh drama to even notice that she's always around with Lilith and Dean when they are here" I say as the two of them just eye me.

"We understand that but Kathrine needs the help she works too damn much and too many jobs to make sure Aella has everything she needs. If your wondering where they are Lilith made sure that her bills are paid and that she has some spending money for Aella's second birthday that is coming up. I just hope that Declan won't ruin it" Daren says getting defensive as he looks to Mallow. "I know about the proposal of fake dating him but I say that if you really need to fake date someone that we just make this all public but we don't want the puke bunnies harassing you as well and adding fuel to Josh. Plus you don't know him" He says as they clearly know something I don't. Daren, Mallow and I aren't in a relationship but we flirt all the time and there's that time Mallow and I kissed. Its just all a mess but Declan the way he looked at me like I was something special and not just another woman to mark off on their roster. Unlike how Daren and Mallow look at me like they wonder if my pussy is tight or loose and just want a chance to see and thats it. "What do you two know that I don't know? Its like everyone in my life is keeping secrets from me even my own siblings keep damn secrets from me like I some fragile little girl" I say my anger spiking to a new level.

Kendra and Nesta acting shady not telling me anything and then Ryan looking at me like he has done something ghat I'm gonna hate. Then Kendra, Nesta, Jess, Luci and Ren all trying to convince me not to do this plan my brother and Declan came up with. What would it hurt? Me? There is no way that is happening. Why the hell does everyone act like I'm so fragile. I picked myself up after our mother died and my siblings left me to deal with it on my own. Dean went back and played his heart out not even a day after it happened and then parented me from Canada. Sam went to training camp for the Penguins a week after and didn't bother reaching out. Jensen and Jared wouldn't talk to me at all and still refuse to even with family events. Ryan barely talked to me until he finally got told about Josh. Lilith and I were talking but we weren't as close as we are now. Literally everyone in my family blamed me for her death like it was my responsibility that she had the heart attack while I was at home. I did everything I could and yet every August through October I'm shut out from my own family. Its why after graduation and I got my inheritance I moved as far away from them as possible. They didn't care that I wanted to die, even now with Josh and this decision to go through with fake dating someone on campus or go public two very well known NHL players that I barely know if this is a relationship or more with them. But Declan is constantly on my mind with everything he has done for me and his gorgeous eyes. I don't know what I am going to do.

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