Chapter 7

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Mara -early the same day

After a long night gathering materials and setting up schedules and meeting with Professor Mendes and the other tutors. I wake up to a cold noise in my hand on the couch with my hair a mess, in just a hoodie and yoga shorts. I look down and see Khole nuzzling her noise as me and then she lets out a whimper. "Alright, lets go outside" I say and they both take off towards the back door. Lilith said that she wont be back for a couple days so Ryan has been staying in my guest room. He injured his leg about six months ago and after four surgeries he finally has started the recovery process. I let the dogs out in the yard while I put the kettle on to make coffee. I am one of those fancy people who enjoy french press coffee and a good crescent. I hear Ryan make his way to the kitchen. "Ugh, Morning" He says as he looks at me. "Morning, coffee will be done soon, hows the leg feeling today?" I say as I grab two mugs out of the dishwasher. "Stiff, its been like that for a couple days since the weather has been cooler" He says as I let the dogs back in. The wiggle around him like they haven't been sleeping with him the last two days. "Hopefully Physical Therapy goes well today" I say as he watches me pour coffee into both mugs after I press it down. "You and your fancy coffee. Thank you though. I hope it will go well they have been running me through the trenches lately trying to stay on schedule but they said that I'm not healing as fast as they want me to so they want to start this new therapy but Coach has to approve it since it might bot be acceptable to the College NHL board" He says as I nod. "I heard that red light therapy and cold therapy helps heal fasted hopefully it's approved or you will be out longer. Plus cousin Faye has been looking forward to the day she gets you to sign to her team" I say as we sip on our coffee. "Hopefully, As much as I appreciate Faye I feel like I am taking advantage of family if I do sign with her. Plus we are seeing her tonight at that gala we hold every year for childhood diseases and disabilities. Your my plus one and Dean will be there with Lilith to keep us company while at this thing" he says as I internally panic. I don't have a dress or shoes or even anything that is gala with professional athletes level cute. "Ryan! You could have told me about this sooner then this I literally have nothing!" I yell at him in as loud as I could for 9 am which is more of a stern tone then yelling. "You bought that one dress that opens in the back, that is black with flowers the top is mesh. Not even a couple months ago and you never got to wear it because your date bailed on you. I should rip his dick off for saying that you too fat for him" he says as his anger spikes. "Its okay. I'm used to it either I'm the cover story for the gay guy or I'm not enough for the bisexual guy or he's embarrassed by me because his friends judge him or the straight guy who can't get past my weight even though we're attracted to each other's personalities. No one cares that my personality is fire and I'm more of a tom boy that wears an occasional dress then a girlie girl. Oh! I totally forgot about that dress I'm going to have Ren come over and get ready with me he always does my makeup so good" I say as he rolls his eyes. "Okay well I better head to the rink before I get a call from coach and the hot physical therapist. I'll see you later sis" He says as I snicker at him as he limps his way out the door. I carry my coffee upstairs to my closet because even though I adore that dress so much its not a gala type dress its a little big on me even for being a size 28. I have H size tits and this dress requires you to be braless which I have never went a day without a bra that has underwire support. Even though I bought nipple covers I have yet to find the confidence to do that. I sigh as I take my phone and text the friends group chat. As I hear my front door open, "Hey! it's just me" Kendra yells. "Up here" I yell back from my closet.

Me- heard there is a gala tonight. I guess I'm being forced to go because Ryan can't find his new flavor of the week to go with him. Dress help!!!

Ren- What about that dress you just got it's perfect and I can help you tape up those girls so you don't have to worry about that! Oh! Your definitely wearing that because I found a makeup look that would be perfect! Plus these things will benefit you too since this is also a time for the wags to get a taste of fresh blood of the families. I've been to these types of events so much that it gets boring. Trust me you will be fine. Be over in 3 hours babe.

Ice is overratedTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon