Chapter 12

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What am I going to do now? You stupidly freaked out again! he, Declan, is definitely won't want you now that is twice you ran away from him because he was too close. His name oh gods his fucking name how did I not know he is Lucifer's brother the last names oh fuck and how did Lucifer not tell me when I have went on many tangents about him and his damn eyes and this unspeakable bond between us. Has he said anything to Lucifer about me? My anxiety and constant thoughts drown out Daren and Katherine who stand right in front of me. I should really pick up therapy again. Wait, did Katherine know of me? Did they date or be a fling? I take a deep breath in calming my mind some but more like quieting the thoughts until I'm alone. "Angel, you don't have to worry. He is nothing more then another fuck boy of a man that lets precious things break easily in his hands. He doesn't know how to see when a woman wants him for more then just sex. I'm sure if we get Lil over here she can back up our story" Daren says as I look at Katherine. She nods at me, as we hears clicking of heels on concrete and faint shouting getting closer. "I don't care Dean I am going to find her and take her home" Lilith yells back at him and I smile a little. My sister-in-law is a fiery woman when provoked and especially when it comes to me she is like the sister I have always wanted. I look up to see Lil and Dean rush over a retort dying on his lips as he looks at me. I can't help but shrink into myself at his assessing look. "Oh thank god" Lil says rushing over to sitting next to me dragging me into a hug. That's when I feel it that unease that he is near by. Fuck not here why does he have to be here. My pulse spikes more as I lift my head, curls go flying back as I search the gardens for him. I know he is here the utter stillness that follows him around like nature itself is scared to breath when he is around. I look at Lil then over to Daren and then at Dean who is now sitting behind me. I take a shaky breath as I try to say as quickly and quietly as possible.

"He is here" I say as I hope they heard me. If the Daren and Lil didn't hear me Dean sure did. He jumps up scanning the area we are in that is just off the main entrance but behind the huge hedges. That's when I see the back of his head as the noise fills my ears silencing the crowd around me. I'm now looking at Daren watching his mouth move but the noise makes it hard for me to understand what he is saying. I barely hear Lil tell him briefly about my ex. Daren still as he takes my hand and I breathe with him as the noise settles and the peoples voices around fill in. "I have to go talk to a few more people but I will send Luci and Ren to you. Don't let them leave your side" Dean says and Lil nods. "I unfortunately have a player to go sign right now. I trust Daren to keep you safe from him" She says and that's all I need to know that she trust this man that I barely know. I smile slightly at her and Dean as they walk off. "Breathe, Angel you're safe with me" Daren says as soon as we are alone. He now sits next to me with a hand on my back. I still as I sense it before Daren even sees him walking towards us. "I see your whoring yourself out again and not to only just regular men but hockey players just like the little puck bunny you wanna be" Josh says as he walks towards us. "Oh would you stop acting like our break up wasn't because of your selfish rish ass can't get over the fact that I left you. I got in to OSU and not precious Stanford. I think your exact words were that this school was too low of an income for you to be scene here. Oh wait look who fucked up his life because your a psychotic prick that thinks he can get away with everything but you don't anymore. Thank god for Kelsey to report your ass and now you have to face the damn music" I say as he forgets that I am a calm angry person where my anger constantly is simmering under the surface where anyone can trigger it. Before I know it I hear it before I feel it a sharp thwack of a hand across skin dazing me. The pain start to sting as I feel how hard he smacked me bringing me out of my daze seeing that we have drawn a crowd because Daren holding him away from me. Tears sting my eyes as the memories of the many times he decided to lay a hand on me fill my mind like its happening all over again. Luci and Ren rush to my side and I let the tears fall feeling many eyes on me as Josh staggers over to me. "You were just a damn slut that I used and I will get my pay back you just wait" He says spitting towards me. "You better watch your damn mouth and go before you have a whole ass hockey team of grown men on your ass and don't think that Lilith or her brothers won't get a shot in too" Luci says as Ren places a hand on his arm. Josh stalks off as I fold myself into Luci's arms and cry hard. "I can't do this anymore" I say as I cry into his chest as Kendra walks up. "He is luck I wasn't able to get my claws in him" She says as she lets out a hiss. "How about we go home?" Luci suggests. "Sounds like a good idea to me" Ren says and I nod my head in agreement as Ryan walks over with rage in his eyes. "Lets go" He says and we don't hesitate to follow him to his car. At his car he looks over to Ren and nods Luci going with him while Kendra and I get into my brother's car. I hop in the back giving Kendra more leg room.

After many goodbyes and driving in circles Ryan finally opens up about what is going on. "Declan is missing and no one has seen him. It's been hours since anyone last heard from him it's nearly two am" Ryan says and I don't believe it as I check my phone as it is indeed two in the morning. Wow time flew by super fast I swore it was just eleven at night. We are driving around town looking for him for the past two hours we left the even at midnight. I glance over trying to see if his truck is in the parking lot of the rink and sure enough it is. "Found him" I basically scream in the quiet cabin as Ry takes a sharp right into the parking lot. "You all go in and find him I will call the rest of the team and be in soon" Ry says as he sighs and takes out his phone group calling the team. Kendra and I get out of the sports car as she smirks. "I bet he is doing drills and laps" Kendra says taking my arm as we walk into the rink. We are near the edge of the rink when Kendra calls out, "Hey your still slow no matter how much you push you keep favoring your left leg" She says with a smirk. He stops dead and looks at her a smirk of his own drawing across his face. "I didn't know I had an audience" He yells out over the sound of his skates on the ice being louder on the ice since it is completely empty in the rink. The sound echoing off the walls as I smile at him with my eyes downcasted towards the decals on the wall. He gives Kendra as much sass as she tends to give him and I can't help but find that so attractive that he isn't afraid to tell her how it is.

"Your teammates are looking for you by the way, so you better get going. The real reason why we are here is because your teammates have been calling and texting you for the last 4 hours and they are worried. Lex didn't tell me much other than the boys team is putting out a missing persons report to all the teams. I saw your car and headed in to see why the hell your still here at 2 am" She says as she glares at him. "I was just about done. If they were so concerned that I didn't come home they would be here" He says as he gives her a look of I know your keeping secrets from her type look. I will have to ask Kendra about that later and four hours that means he saw what happened with Josh because that was four hours ago.  "Well they were finishing the even off as their captain left them to deal with everything. Why the hell did you run off?" she asks as I look at he looks at her his eyes giving a very knowing look shared between the two of them. What in the hell am I missing that no one wants to tell me like I am some fragile person. "It's none of your business or concern. I'm leaving anyways" He says as he puts on some slides and walks fast past us. The smell of sweat, orangy, woodsy scent waphs around me as he comes so close I could touch him. "Well it is my concern when you ignore your team to finish out a charity event that our athletic department held to help us get our names out there. Considering you are a shoo-in to be the number one top pick for the NHL draft in a year from now so tell me or don't" She says as he stops in front of me, our eyes lock and then he takes a deep breath stepping closer to me. Inches away from me he leans in seeming to be more calm as he gets closer to my heart races and I try not to sweat under his gaze. I am still in my dress from earlier with I am sure mascara stained cheeks looking like a complete hot mess. "I left because if not I was going to kill Josh for even coming near what is mine and making you cry. Seeing the fear he brought to your eyes is something I can't stand to see when you are the sweetest person ever" He says and my mouth goes dry as he crosses my cheek with his calloused thumb. 

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