Chapter 10

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My ears are ringing and I can't seem to catch my breath. I watch as Kathrine turns to a little girl no older then a couple months old she has those dark blue eyes all babies have the first year of their life. She has dark blonde hair a button noise and is so ting and being held by a tall older man in a black suit. He has mocha skin with eyes that looks like ash. His black hair is styled perfectly and he smells like expensive cologne. His suit is tailored to fit him like a second skin. "This is your daughter Aella" Kathrine says as Aella squawks at her. The man next to her looks familiar and then its clicks. Daren Paige the guy from the basketball team that would always follow her around. His ash haunting eyes landing on me. "Dec, I would say nice to see you again but I'm being civil for Aella sake" he says to me with a clear glare across his face. I straighten my back and glance over to Kathrine who has on a smug smile. She forgets that my cousin Rex owns one of the largest private investigator agencies in the country and I had made sure that after out little slip up that he kept tabs just incase this happened. "Well Im sure the 5 other men you slept within that week would also like to know the possibility of them having a child. Which if I'm correct one of those people are standing right here. Isn't that right Daren" I say my tone dry as my anger flashes once again remembering a time where Daren and I shared Kathrine between us just to experience it. Darens face blanches pale as he looks at her with confusion. "I have no clue what you know or what's been spread but she only slept with you" Daren says as Aella falls asleep in his arms. "I want a paternity test done. If I have to get my lawyer involved I will. But I also want all the people you suspect to be her father tested as well" I say as calm as I can. I had a feeling Karma Kathrine would come out for years guys would call her Karma because she was that girl that had sex with everyone and then calm that the one she had feelings for knocked her up for it to be a lie. "I agree, I will have my lawyer draw up paperwork just incase we need it. I know the others she slept with during that month and will contact them" Daren says towards her and I with slight anger in his voice. "Thanks, I will let my lawyer know about it. I will see you all later" I say quickly needing to escape the room. I mingled got everything I needed to do done and got my name into mouths of professional and minor league hockey teams. I sigh as I look for Luci and Ren to say goodbye but I see them with a teary eyed Mara and my heart clenches. Who would make her this upset? Then I see him, Josh Fern-hill, he works under my family's lawyer at the moment. What the hell is he doing here? I watch as he eyes Mara as she tries to get away Luci and Ren pushing him away, my feet moving before I realize it. "She's just a whore why you protecting her" Josh nearly screams out as he looks around. My brother sets his jaw, I follow the same as I know what's coming. We joke all the time about why our mother named him Lucifer saying it was a love for the Netflix show but it's more of what people don't realize. My siblings and I usually call him Satan when he is angry because no one is prepared for the anger that comes out of him from no where. Its the anger my whole family keeps buried down where no one sees until the cold depths are pulled out of us. "I suggest you leave before you make a fool out of the lawyer that all the players respect" I say as I take a step towards him lowering my voice letting the cold tone take over me. "I also suggest you leave that women alone or you will have a serious problem and no one will be there to protect you" I say low enough for just him to hear. He tries to hide the shiver my tone sets in and gives everyone goosebumps. He turns to look at me all the darkness I hide filling my eyes hoping one day I will let him beg for me not to kill him.

I may look like a calm person always going with the flow but as soon as that flip is switched I'm a completely different person. I inhale a deep breath trying to simmer my anger but he just suffs and walks away. Luci looks at me with his almost black eyes and nods. "We will talk later I'm going to make sure that this was documented and that's she's okay" Luci says and Ren follows him. I take another deep breath trying to calm myself down. How the hell did he get in when there was a clear who can and can't enter and Josh was on that fucking list. I made sure of it, I walk as fast as I can to my lawyer and I watch him with a scowl on my face until his conversation ends. He walks towards me with confusion on his face. "What is the matter Declan?" Braeden Unterman says. He looks to be in his early 50's but he is actually closer to 60. He is a short Italian man with light brown hair with flecks of blond highlights. He wears a gray suit with a black shirt and his authentic Italian leather shoes. His hair is greased back and the expensive cologne that always make you sneeze hits me as he walks closer. "I don't know how you employ that asshole" I say with a low growl in my voice. He looks at me with confusion across his face, the first time I have seen emotion ever from this man. "Do you mean my nephew Josh? If so we should go talk somewhere else" he questions as he stairs at me as we walk into a quieter area of the gardens so that no one will over her. Unterman's and associates law firm is been one of the biggest law firms in Columbus for over three decades. Braeden has been a family friend for years even before I was born my mother and his son Zenith have been friends since they were little.

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