Chapter 17

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I can't stand seeing my baby sister cry. Lucifer, Ren and I have been here a week and she's in some deep shit with everyone. The rest of my siblings, my mother and Zenith all couldn't make it out this week. Turns out Hailey was afraid of something like this happening, they fucking snuck off and got married so Kara would be protected from her family. Turns out Hailey Archer is a mafia bosses daughter and not just a mafia boss the mafia boss Marco Enzo Archer who has five sons and two daughters. Kara explained to Lucifer, Ren and I after getting to her multimillion dollar house and drinking heavily when we texted the group chat that she and Hailey aren't in. To say my mother was livid is probably an understatement that the first of four girls to get married.

Hailey apparently was scared and  being targeted when the accident occurred that she felt that she was going to die. Its why when we went to the hospital the whole top floor usually reserved for VIP guests and the president we flew in on a private helicopter. This hospital is owned by the Archer family which explains why the set up is so odd to me. The campus is massive with three emergency rooms at three different buildings on the grounds. One building looks dedicated to vip clients and the other two are for everyone else. My brother and I feel off when being here we have come every day with her before the rest of the family can get her. Hailey's family hasn't said anything to us as we comfort Kara. My mother is concerned that Kara has absolutely lost it when she explained that Hailey was on the phone with her when the crash happened. Kara is convinced that it had something to do with the black suv that has been following them around. She said Hailey's brother went off to do a deal for the family and it went south and she thought maybe thats why the other people came after them. She also explained that when it was happening someone broke into their apartment they kept for in the city that is public but Hailey's house that we were all just at was privately owned and under her fake name. We all were shocked but mom and our brothers didn't believe her but my sisters and I did knowing that the Archer name is known all over and associated with the Volkov family. Lucifer is currently glaring daggers at Hailey's mother that sits across from us. This is the first time we have seen the family here so something big is happening. A petite woman with blonde curly hair and green eyes walks in the room with just scrubs on looking for someone. When her eyes land on Kara she nods and then the woman speaks. "Ahh good you are all here. I'm Doctor Yuan. I have been taking care of Hailey and her condition. If it's appropriate for Mrs. Archer-Landon to talk privately" she says her name taking me back. How do I know a Yuan? That's when it hits me Ren's sister Margaret. He's currently look at her with pride as she looks to Kara for an answer. "Well they are all family here so they should know too but the decision is ultimately up to me no matter how much they threaten your job or your life" Kara says with cold monotone voice. She had lost it crying so much because something isn't right. Ren happened to be able to gain access to the charts thanks to his sister literally never caring about password safety. She should have been awake by now Kara almost destroyed the entire house with rage when she found out that the coma is medically induced and is completely not necessary. "Well, Mrs Archer-Landon.." "Don't start with how its above your pay grade and how it's necessary. Wake her up and let me take my damn wife home" Kara says with malice in her voice as she shoots daggers at the family that is sitting in front of us. "Well if Ms. Yuan here ever wants to have a career and a life she will listen to the people who sign her paychecks" the mother says with a sweetness in her voice that makes this whole thing way too weird. "Well since I am her power of attorney on every thing and she has signed me to everything including this hospital that you built under her name I think I have the power here" Kara says as Margaret face goes red as the monster in law glares at my sister. "Well I am sure the attorneys can rule that the sham of a marriage is fake so we will see for now lets here how MY daughter is doing" She says as she turns towards Margaret. "Well, we were already planning on taking her off the ventalors to see how she handles being off of it and try to bring her out of her coma shortly after but it may be a week or two before we are doing that. She has healed well and seems to have cognitive function in her frontal cortex and it looks promising. It all depends on how she responds to the medication some have allergic reactions to the medications that bring them out of it. Its all a process" Margaret says as Hailey's mother starts crying and begging them to keep her in the coma.

I look at my sister trying to keep it together because why in the hell does Hailey's mother want to keep her in a coma. Kara is clearly not telling us anything that is actually going on. I am trying my hardest not to go all protective big brother on her but this is concerning. "Why the hell would you want to keep a perfectly healthily woman in a coma if it is not medically necessary? Now I do not appreciate how you have spoken to my sister nor do I like that you have literally insulted their love and who the hell cares that they are married so honor it. You just don't like that fact that your child is a lesbian and hell married a damn woman like that even matters! So, Karen tell me exactly why you plan to keep my sisters wife in a coma until your attorney's can handle it or to me it sounds like she has figured out that her parents have built everything around her name and prayed she wouldn't find out. But I bet anything that when she went to file taxes for this year a whole hell of shit popped up because she choose to go to work for the first time in her life that wasn't the life of crime your family deals with" I snap anger filling each word as I didn't notice that Lilith, Ronan, Ryder, Reese, Magda, Loralie, my mother and Zenith walked in to the private waiting area just in front of Hailey's room. Fuck do I wish Mara was here to calm me down she just has this presence about her that is always calm like nothing bothers her. She always seemed to make sure everything and everyone was alright. That time she handled a medical emergency in class when Max had a seizure she lead everyone in what to do like she saw it before. I smile as the memories of her play in my head my subconscious showing me every detail of her and her smile the little dimples she has when she smiles a genuine smile. I try not to get turned on but I can't help it when I think of her it just happens her curves. My friends have always judged me on my taste in women I like personality but they never could get past a woman's weight. She would be the first bigger woman I have ever had interest in though and my friends and teammates aren't afraid to say their opinions when Lucifer, Ren and her brother Ryan aren't around.

"Declan did you hear me sweetheart?" my mother says to me as she leans over to me placing a hand on my arm. When did that happen Kara was just next to me. I blink as look into the same eyes I have. "Sorry mom I was barely paying attention" I say as I notice the room is significantly empty. "Your siblings went in with your sister and Hailey's family. I just asked if you want to venture with me down the the cafeteria or go somewhere and get food for everyone" She says looking at me curiously. "Sure ma, I'm sure they would appreciate it since we have been here they haven't had a lick of anything but coffee" I say as we both stand and she takes my arm. Her balance has been off lately and she barely can make it from the car to the house without being in pain and always having to use the bathroom. I asked her what has been going on but she brushes it off and says its woman problems but I have a feeling its much more then that. We head outside to the private garage that happens to be attached by the upper " level we are on as I start my sisters car. Mom smiles at me as I help her into the passenger side before rounding and getting in the drivers seat. I head towards the closest grocery store that happens to have a ton of prepackaged food that they make fresh in house. "So can you tell me why there is so much tension up there and who is this girl Lucifer mentioned that you wanna fake date? You know what that will do for your career right?" She presses as I back out of the spot. This garage is used for staff and other high profile people, Kara told me that the first day we got here and now if it wasn't for the pass that lets me in and out I wouldn't have minded parking in a regular spot, but with the hospital under construction they completely moved which garages are for what people. "Its a long story ma, don't worry about the girl. The tension up there is because Hailey's parents are literal assholes and what you walked in on was them being homophonic towards Kara and Hail's" I say as I glance at her as I make a right turn into the parking lot of the grocery store. Her expression was nothing nice and I know she is going to press me more about Mara but she can't know just yet how much this woman fills my thoughts all the time and that it wouldn't be fake for long.

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