Chapter 11

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I'm standing with Kendra greeting people I have know for a long time now. My sister-in-laws team the Leviathan's formed weeks ago as her father refused to give her the team he owns in his will. He died unexpectedly two months ago and his team hasn't been the same. I learned that Lilith, Lil, had been fighting her siblings for the rights to the team, while working to make sure the team didn't fall apart only to learn that he changed it the night her and Dean got engaged. What a fucking asshole. I held her on nights that Dean was away but wanted her to stay and help out but she needed it more than I did. She told me all about how he called Dean trash and a no good arrogant player that will drag their family name down. What sucked even more her mother and her older siblings agreed saying they had to make a choice to take the trash out too and marry someone like them. She cried for hours before she dropped another bomb that he left her nothing. That's when I spent hours convincing her to talk to the team and staff leave and start new with who joined her. Surprisingly all the players except 6 of them left with her and most of the new staff the older staff just chided her about it. She left and I helped her with the business plan and everything so I spend a good chunk of time with all 40 people that were willing to help. She even gave me co-ownership of the team since I helped out so much even though she is marrying Dean in a few months she strides off after my brother looking for her new goal and back ups. I hear the deep voice that has been in my dreams for month.

Jace "Mallow" Carson, his tall frame coming into view he dark blue black hair shining underneath the lights. He is in the suit, a dark maroon colour with charcoal grey shoes. His underneath is black and he is wearing a grey tie, I picked it out months ago for a similar event that he had no clue about and asked me for my opinions. Well that mall day turned into dinner which turned into us hanging out until 3 am and him kissing me goodbye. The butterflies in my stomach start I haven't seen him since that night and to say I didn't see it coming was an understatement. I like him so much but he isn't Landon, I feel guilty about saying that but it's true, he isn't him. But when is Landon going to notice her probably never. I shut my mind down as Mallow comes closer his hands snaking around my waist as he kisses my cheek, that instantly flame in response. "You look so beautiful in that dress" He says as he eyes take me in before I know it I'm hoisted over his shoulder giggling as he takes me around to setting me down just for the next player to do the same as he brings me over to the next couple. In Front of me stands a tall red haired women in a tight fitted black dress with red pumps, her makeup looks to be done professionally. Her husband in a matching all black suit with a red tie, with tattoos peaking over his suit collar. I look down to his hands and those are even tattooed. "This is Mara, Mara this is Daren Paige and his wife Katherine and daughter Aella" Mallow says as he spins as I hear Katherine and Aella lets out a laugh as her tear stained cheeks catch my attention as Daren holds her. "I remember a time where you were just like that with me" She says to Daren as she turns back to me as Mallow sets me down. "Hi, I'm Kathrine I'm a long time friend to Lilith. I'm sure you will be seeing more of me at some point as I will be working in the Public relations department" she says as she smiles at me. Aella looks at me her big blue eyes dancing across my face as she lets out a laugh as I smile at her. "Thats awesome. I rather work with people who Lil trusts then have to play the can I trust you game" I say as Kathrine takes Aella from Daren as he passes the little girl to her he whispers in her ear and she goes still. "Well we will be having a welcoming party soon and we can talk more or even get my number from Lil. We can all get coffee or something sometime" She says as she takes off glances across the room before towards the bar with Aella in hand. "I'm guessing you are the woman that Mallow here has been talking non-stop about" Daren saying in a deep monotone voice with a hint of a smile but his cold dark eyes land on me appraising me. "Probably if not him the rest of the team and if not them then Lilith talks about my family non-stop" I say as he steps in closer to me leaning down to whisper in my ear. "Katherine, is actually my cousin, I'm pretending to be her husband because her deadbeat suspected baby daddy is here. Which means when I say this don't take it as me cheating on her. You look so ravishing in that dress. If you have time tonight maybe we can spend some time together alone. I will see you around Mara" He says his voice deepening with each word. I blush hard as no man has ever said something that I only have ever read in books. I glance up to his eyes that are now soft and full of lust, his lips millimeters away. He is wearing one of my ultimate favorite colognes that smell like citrus and spice and all man. Which is bad because I feel my panties instantly get wet as his scents fills my noise and all the dirty thoughts of the dream comes back to me. Where it just wasn't Mallow it was him and another man that I didn't know playing with me and filling all my holes, but the second man never in front of my face.

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