Chapter 14

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It's a week later after the charity event, I slept all weekend and enjoyed a week off to mentally prepare myself. Luckily after consulting Professor Mendes to delay the start of tutoring he agreed and sent out emails to the other tutors as well as the students in the program. I sent an email to my students just to get a head of everything. Currently, I'm waiting in the campus library for my tutoring group, who surprised me by actually understanding since they witnessed the whole thing. Plus him, Declan, never responded to any of the emails. Figure's probably wont show up since I made a complete idiot out of myself, stupid. Macklin, Nate and Jesse sit in front of me books and laptops open. The three of them were all here before I was even here. "Should we wait to see if he is going to show or should we just st" I say as he walks in never taking his eyes off me. "Sorry I'm late, Mara. I couldn't cross the street because the light is broken" He says as he sits to the right of me. I swallow as I in take a breath and in his appearance, black Cut off shirt, red basketball shorts and red running shoes, smelling like a hint of sweat and a little spice from his aftershave. Fuckkk me already if he wasn't such a fuck boy I would so do dirty things to him but I want to be more then just a toy again. I hear the slight buzz of the daily routine texts coming in. I ignore it as we start the tutoring session. "Alright we have been learning on My SQL for a while and that it's fairly simple and easy to follow as long and you put in the correct commands" I say as they all stair at me like they have no clue what is happening. "I get that Mara, but even when doing the commands correctly the output is wrong. I asked Mendes many times and he shrugs like its my issue" Jesse says as his blue/grey eyes look deep into my soul and I forgot to breathe.

Having four fine ass athletes around me isn't so bad. "Well, Jesse I'm sure it's a simple fix as long as you place commas and semicolons properly. Sometimes when there should be a semicolon there is a comma and that messes up the whole code" I say as he glances to his screen. I walk over to look over his work and I change the end of the code from a comma to a semicolon. "See sometimes its that simple" I say as Macklin grins as he shows me his screen. "Good" I say as he got the same answer. I walk around the table to Nate and Declan in a heated discussion about how Nate is right and he is wrong. I look over being quiet as possible not to interrupt them as it's turning entertaining. I see Nate has gotten just shy of the correct answer and Declan is way far off. I giggle as I place my hand on Nates shoulder. "You are correct just the numbers are one off. Fix those and you will be fine" I say down to him as Declan scoffs. "Your close just your coding is off and thats why you keep getting an error message" I say trying not to look at him or feel the anxiety that is sliding its way up my neck as I am standing behind him. "It makes no sense" He says as Nate groans. "Well if you actually showed up and paid attention in class then you wouldn't be here" Nate says as he glances back at me. I smile knowing well that during class he looks at me the whole time. The next couple hours went just like this everyone understanding but Declan struggling.

Around noon I dismiss everyone but Declan stays behind. "Hey" He says as I look into those brown eyes I day dream about. "H-Hi" I stutter out mentally slapping myself. Ugh this man makes me so nervous when we are all alone. "Um, I really don't know how to go about this but I was wondering if you would like to fake date me. We can exchange numbers and you think on it. Your brother and my brother has explained more in detail about everything that's happening and I assume that the person spamming your phone is him" He says as he looks down to me. "S-sure. My brother suggested it to me but I'm still considering it since things have gotten worse" I say as he hands me his phone open to put in a new contact him already naming it, My baby, my heart jumps as I put my number in his phone and hand it back to him not bothering changing the name. A second later my phone buzzes in my bag and I take it out looking at him as he hangs up. "I just wanted to make sure it was actually your number. Now you have mine. I have to get to practice so I will text you later about this all and a plan" He says as he picks up the duffel bag from the table behind us. He unexpectedly comes close and kiss my cheek, smiling at me before walking off. I blink still shocked as I shake myself out of what just happened.

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