Chapter 18

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"I just don't get it Declan why get involved with a girl who is troubled like that" My mother says as we walk the isles. She made us sit in the car for about an hour before I broke and told her everything. Well, okay not exactly everything but the cliff notes version of who Mara is and why I went along with Ryan's plan but I didn't exactly tell her how bad this dude really is. Lets just say my mother isn't clueless and probably can see how much Mara has an effect on me but she says nothing about it, yet. Im sure as soon as we get back into the car she will start with the I know you think I'm stupid talk. I was there when she cornered Lucifer about Ren and they were just friends at the time but one visit from mom and everything changed. "Mom she isn't troubled like how you think" I say as she gives me a knowing look. "She just wants to be with a star athlete and she will bring trouble to you just as your senior year of college is about to start. I don't want all those offers to fall off before you can even get to signing day" She says as the guilt of failing a class that has my whole future on the line cuts through me. I haven't told her about failing intro to information technology course yet and I know the speech that follows after that. I can see the disappointment on her face in my head. I once accidentally got into a fight over the woman I had been seeing and since then my mom has been a little wary about any woman I decide to bring home.

She would love Mara with her sweet as hell smile and the laugh that always rocks me to the core. I've heard her real laugh come from Lucifer's phone many times when he thought I didn't know they were close. I knew its why I run pass her house every day she is everywhere I look and yeah the run from the house to the school is shorter from my end of the street. I take the extra time just to see if she is outside but she always had this sadness to her, knowing what the whole team knows now it makes sense. If the harassment started before all this then why would she never go out. I mean I saw her at one or two parties the other players threw but she was never a frequent flyer to them. Her friends were thats where Ryan met Nesta and eventually Kendra. Mara would die if she knew her best friends were in a relationship with her brother its like she is too worried about her ex to notice what is in front of her. "I know mom, your always looking out for me" I say as I kiss the top of her head before leaning down and grabbing a bunch of bananas. "I want what is best for you my son, from what your brother tells me if you even get involved with her it might break your career before you even had one" She says as she walks into another isle. "What did Ronan tell you? Did he do what I think he did again? Without permission?" I say as a almost guilty look forms across my mothers face. My younger brother Ronan,  also Lilith's and Loralie's triplet, got caught hacking into the world famous Malik and Malum's Security firm to help find his friend but got caught. They insisted of calling the police and making him a federal felon they hired him because he was the only one to hack into their system when he was 18. Now he's 25 and still working for them but also doing very illegal investigations and taking matters into his own hands. He has been a private investigator for them and the family relies on him to make sure the people that comes around aren't sketchy. My mom gives me the signature I'm your parent look before saying, "He looked into her before you even mentioned her. Mara Pétri is someone who comes from a well known family since her brother Dean has been playing for the Maple Leafs for so long that he is marrying the owners daughter and also starting their own team. Isn't that something. Plus I have him always looking into the people who want to be friends with any of my children" She states as a shiver creeps ip my spine. I understand since the shit with our father and him disappearing with us just to leave us abandoned in the middle of nowhere she's been very paranoid about us and the company we keep. I just didn't think she would go so far as to have everybody investigated like she has something to hide. Maybe she isn't telling us everything that actually happened with dear old dad but its obvious that as of late something's been going on that she doesn't want to tell us. We grab a few more prepackaged meals and some dry things that will keep for a little before heading to the check out. I don't dare to speak my mind since it seems like shes on edge and anything can set her off. She's a parent that has been very vocal about mental health and her issues with anxiety and depression. "I just hope that she isn't taking advantage of you going pro to make her ex back off. You know how I feel about those types of people" My mom says and my blood begins to boil at my mother. My mom doesn't talk about our aunts and times like this makes me wonder what exactly happened that she hates the idea of fake dating. "All I am saying my sweet boy, is that you don't always have to fix other people's problems that they caused themselves" She states as we set the contents of our cart on the belt for the person to ring out. I stay silent not wanting to embarrass her in public, I also know that after I say what I need to she is going to psycho analyze me like she always does. I guess thats perks of having a world renowned psychiatrist as a mother. "I'm just telling you how I feel about it. Lucifer tells me everything about his friends and teammates. I'm just looking out for you boys like a good mother" She says as the cashier nods. After finishing up my anger is about to boil over. I will have to see what she has been saying to Lucifer about how she feels about it all, I won't let my mother be the one to persuade Lucifer to jot be friends with someone again. I take a deep breath as we step out into the parking lot headed to the car. She looks at me with a slight smile as she awaits a typical response, but not today and not about my future wife. Did I really just call her that? This is supposed to be fake but fuck I want her so bad. To call her mine.

"That's enough. I understand you may think you know about what is happening but you don't know the whole story. No one does she won't tell anyone and even convincing her to fake date me wasn't even my idea" I say as my mother looks at me wide eyed as she takes the bags out of the cart and sets them into the trunk of the SUV. I pick up the last few bags and place them in the trunk with a humph. I push the cart into the corral and jump to the drivers seat. My mother already situating herself for the short ride back. "How dare you speak about her like that when you don't even know her. She's the innocent party with this whole situation" I say as my mother waits to see if I am going to speak more but I don't. "I don't know when you grew up and forgot that I am your mother not your friend. Remember who you are speaking to Declan" She states and I forgot its her way or the highway.

The advice she gives isn't really advice its more of a your doing this and when you don't do what I suggested then I'm going to be disappointed in you. Its her motive with everything my other siblings have brushed it a side and lived their lives but even Ryder has been having issues with keeping her advice out of dating. Ryder told me that she even told him people like us don't date people like his crush who was a curvy women. No our mom isn' skinny but shes more curvy skinny but petite. Ryder called me crying because he wanted this girl so bad but mom convinced him to try dating a cheerleader or someone else. He was crush, it makes me worry if she ever meets Mara it's gonna be bad I already have most of the team saying something about her weight I don't want to add my mother to that.

I pull the car through a space and take off back towards the hospital. The whole ride back is silent, don't get me wrong I'm a total mamas boy but recently her suggestions have been ridiculous. I know she just wants grand kids but my mom is ridiculously fat phobic at times where she makes comments to Maze about how much she is eats. Clara tried to put an end to but ended up in tears because my mother went on and on about her not having a husband that she could just work things out with Jake. My mother doesn't understand the hurt that is still there and everything else that happened that she won't tell us about. I'm at the light just about to turn into the private parking garage when I see a flash of blue hair in a sports car. The light turns green before I am able to look to see if it's her. I know I'm crazy to think how she could possibly be here but who know Lucifer could have called her or something. I breathe out as I pull back into the same space I left when I notice the sports car as well as two other suv type cars park just a couple down from me when I spot her and all her curves. But who I thought was Mara turns and its not her body not proportional nor are the piercings and then I take in the scrubs. How did I miss that? Mara is all I've been thinking about while trying to please everyone. But I'm starting to feel like I'm drowning in a sea of everyone's shit that why am I always their life jacket? Kara called me like I could fix this like its my job to call everyone. I sigh as we get out and grab the things heading back up to hospital where hopefully Kara made a decision.

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