Start from the beginning

Shit, I made her cry. Immediately I pressed the pad of my thumb against her cheeks catching every single drop of her precious, priceless tears.

"Now I f-feel so silly for worrying. You, you'll always be by my side?" She asked, her voice soft and wavering.

I nodded firmly, smiling tenderly at her, knowing full well her tender state was very fragile. I cradled her face in my calloused hand, pressing kisses from her eyelids to her nose, then to her forehead. Taking my time so if possible she would feel the amount of love I had for her in every press of my lips against her skin.

"I promise on my eternal soul my love. I will always be by your side, pinky promise" I grinned wolfishly as she jutted out her pinky finger, waiting for me. With a chuckle I rapped my pinky with hers, bringing her hand to my lips to press a salivating kiss to her knuckles.

"We're going to be officially announced in a few hours" her voice comes again, excitement evident in her tone. The sound of her feminine voice, filled with excitement made my stomach twist in happy knots. She was as excited as I was. I busied myself with placing kisses in the palm of her hands while she rambled on about how she might fall whole walking down the grand steps, how shocked everyone would be and how nervous she was sure to get looking out in front of the whole kingdom. Yes, my bride was a nervous talker but I wasn't complaining. I would do everything in my power to assure every little concern she had down to the letter. All for her.

"You're going to look so immaculate my love, don't worry. Nothing will go wrong as long as I'm around and rest assured I'll always be"

I pressed a firm kisses to her forehead, pulling her into a tight bear hug. My hands snaked around her waist, pulling her closer and her little hands went round my neck. I squeezed tighter, wanting to have every inch of her pressed up against me. If I could have her scent engraved in my skin I so fucking would. So addictive, my little kitten.

"I love you so fucking much, never forget that"

As I held her in my arms in this exact moment everything I had ever wished for was staring at me, big doe eyes that were so fucking intoxicating that I could drown in them all day.

The goddess never answered my prayers but I would still pray that the day will never come where I'd have to learn how to sleep without my little one by my side, her pale miniscule form tangled in the sheets. I would pray that the day would never come where she would look at me with hatred or anything less than love because if it were to happen I will say for certain that I would die, I would fucking die if the look of love, adoration and desire in her eyes would change, contort into one of fear, hatred and resentment, it would break me.

Completely shatter me into pieces.

I wish things could be different, I wish I could tell her everything about my creation, my birth, my past, I wish I could tell her without the fear of loosing her. The goddess granted me this gift, I was unworthy and I sure as hell still are but I will do everything in my power to make sure Audrey stays with me forever. For all of fucking eternity. I would like to believe that a part of her would still be able to look at me when she hears everything I'd done, she would still be able to touch me with so much tenderness and not look at me differently but that was asking too much. It would he asking too much of her to still want me after finding out the atrocities I had committed, after finding the monster I really am.

She would run away terrified and I would let her, for as much as I was indeed a monster I would never force her to stay after she finds out the truth. I just didn't have it in me.

Maybe one day I'd tell her, maybe one day I would sit her down and explain everything to her but until then, until I was certain I was ready I had to make sure she never suspected nor found out anything.

It would be a lot harder and weigh even heavier on my conscious knowing I won't be able to mark my little one. She wouldn't carry the mark on her neck that simblised the soul tie between my wolf and her. Her naked throat would never hold my initials seal. It hurt to accept that fact and I know it would hurt her more when I eventually have to tell her, explaining to her why I wouldn't be able to give her what every married woman in Bludhàven was entitled to. It would make people point fingers, not at me but at her, they would question her character and her self respect and it would hurt her.

Only the elders and Ryker knew about my origin. None of my subjects knew, the only piece of information they had on me was concerning the mysterious aura that deemed to cloud my very person. They could feel the power and dominance radiating off me but they couldn't trace it. They all both feared and respected me While the others, the foolish ones like Vandal dared to challenge my authority and fell by my hands.

The least I could do was ensure no questions, no gossip or hurtful words reached the ears of my beloved sensitive mate. I would kill all rumors from the source, I would uproot them right from their roots.

Anything. I would do anything for the love of my life. She deserved so much better and I would be better, just for her, all for her.

Hiii piccolassss

So sorry for the late update ٩(๑꒦ິȏ꒦ິ๑)۶
I know I can't have a schedule to save my life😂
But I decided to post this cause yesterday was my birthday and I was so busy I couldn't update!

For being such awesome fans and getting this book to a whooping 80,000 views!!♡
I'm going to update again later today!

Double treat!

Hope you liked this chapter!

KISSES!!! ♥︎

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