Chapter 23 - Your My Best Friend Cont.

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 Shes staring at Izuku, and the grin that was just on his face falters and his mood dampens.

"Stop screaming so loud, everyone can hear you so tone it down. I don't want to have to tell you again."

Izuku opens his mouth, eyes downcast.

"I'm sorry-"

"And what did i tell you about looking down when you talk to people? You look ugly all hunched over like that so straighten your back. Honestly, the one time Bakugou is over you act like you can just do whatever you want. You aren't handsome looking like that, so who are you trying to impress. I'm over having to correct every little thing you do, i get back from working my ass off then i have to come home to work on my own son, it's like i can never catch a break."

What. The. Fuck.

Katsuki glares, snapping.

"What the hell did you just say bit-"

Izuku grips his hand, stopping him. Katsuki looks at him, confused until he sees the look on his face. Izuku is shaking, trying to hold back the tears that want to leave his eyes.

Katsuki can tell just be seeing his face, if he lets one go the others will follow. So, Izuku bites his lip, sniffs quietly, and plays off wiping his eyes like he's getting his bangs out of his face.

He smiles. Fucking smiles, the brightest one he can muster, and looks at inko.

" Yeah, your right. Sorry, I'll do better next time."

Inko stares at him, the look still on her face and she walks away, muttering.

"You never can. I'm going back to work."

They sit in silence until they hear the door open, and slam shut. Even after, its quiet. Izuku's hand is still gripping Katsuki's, and he doesn't have the heart to say anything.

What can he even say? Joking about it seems like it's the best thing to do but it's still so heavy in the air that Katsuki doesn't think that will end well.

So, they both sit there, Katsuki's mind going crazy on figuring out what he's supposed to do in a situation like this. How is he supposed to help? Izuku sniffs again and laughs quietly.

"Maybe we should have just played dead..."

His heart breaks.

Izuku is stronger than him now. Izuku is the one who picks them both up when Katsuki has nothing to say and doesn't know what to do.

Katsuki is silent, his voice isn't working right now even when he hopes it comes back to him so he can just fucking say something.


Instead, Izuku is the one with the voice strong enough to speak.

Izuku is the one with the will strong enough to look at him even though his eyes are red, and he looks like he's ready to break any moment. 

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