Chapter 10 - When I Was Beautiful Cont.

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 "Hey... Are you Inko Midoriya? Izuku Midoriya's mom?"

Inko jumps, cheeks flushing, and she makes an uncomfortable expression.

"Y..yes... um... Who?-"

"Mr. B, Midoriya helps me around the store sometimes. If you don't mind me asking, have you checked on him since you've gotten home? Hes been dealing with some stuff and i really think his mother of all people should be there to help him through it-"

inko coughs loudly and rubs the back of her neck. The man stops mid-sentence.

" I don't really think it's any of my concern... Izuku's problems are his to fix and he's old enough to know how to deal with his peers."

"If you think that's my problem then you clearly know nothing about raising a child."

Its silent. Katsuki is transported to a talk with one of his many therapists he had when he was a child.

"Bakugou, when you get mad, it's good to take deep breaths, focus, and calm your breathing. This can help ground you and help take a step back from what's happening to think straight."

So, he does just that.


How dare she treat her own child like something she doesn't even have to take care of!


How dare she leave Izuku all alone when he's going through hell right now! She shouldn't even be allowed to see Izuku, shouldn't even be allowed to live!


Katsuki has to kill her, make her scream, make her bleed, make her bleed make her bleed make her bleed make her bleed make her bleed make her-


Katsuki is calm. So fucking calm he doesn't have those very dangerous thoughts at the moment.

Hes got this.

He keeps the smile on his face and the old man is about to say even more, his mouth opening. Katsuki quickly interrupts him before he can get anything out.

"Could you ring us up already, we have places to be."

The old man looks at him, glaring, then lets out a deep breath and scans their things.


Katsuki takes the money from out of his pocket and gives it to him, handing the waters and drinks to inko.

She opens one and chugs it. Katsuki shows her to the door and as they walk out. Katsuki looks back at the old man who hasn't stopped watching them go.

He steps out into the cold night air, the faint ding of the door closing echos since it's so quiet outside.

Inko looks at him with a bright smile on her face.

"I feel so much better now young man, thank you so much."

Katsuki rubs the back of his neck, putting on a sheepish smile.

"Don't thank me just yet miss, we still needa get you that drink."

Inko and him continue to walk, going towards the supermarket. Inko sighs happily and hums.

She then turns to Katsuki.

"You know something, you're the same age as my son, Izuku. Too bad he never turned out like you... "

She lets her sentence trail off before continuing. 

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