Chapter 13 - Your Bakugou!

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He hears breathing.

It isn't his own, he knows that much.

He hasn't opened his eyes yet. it's a Saturday and he'd be damned if he wasted even a second of it having to see his mother.

So maybe if he keeps his eyes closed sleep will find him again and he can go back to dreaming.

He doesn't actually remember what he was dreaming about, but that's better than having to go outside his room door.

Soft snoring. He doesn't snore, at least not to his knowledge. He slowly opens his eyes, groaning about failing to fall back asleep.

The sun peeps out through his window curtains, painting the flowers in a nice light. The blond's face is bathed in it, shining on his pale white skin, devoid of any imperfections.

How can someone be so-


Izuku's sleepy brain snaps up and he bolts to sit up in his bed.

He feels some of his bed head stick to his cheek with drool, and he quickly wipes it away. He scrambles up, stands over the blonde, and kicks.


The blond screams, folding into himself and gripping at the part between his legs in pain. Izuku sees tears shine in his red eyes and he almost feels sorry.


"Who are you and why are you in my room pervert?! Answer me or ill kick you in the balls again i swear to god!"

The blonde puts his hands up, trying to stop Izuku, who is already in kicking position again.

"W-Wait! Fuck! Why did you have to do that first thing in the damn morning!? God what the hell!"

Izuku glares.

"Answer me!"

The blonde groans and looks at Izuku pleadingly.

"Your mom let me stay over! I'm a friend of hers! It was just for one night! I'm not a fucking pervert i swear all i did was sleep!"

His mom?...

Izuku puts his leg down, continuing to glare.

"Get up and leave my room pervert."

Before the blonde can say anything more, Izuku wheels around and goes down the stairs into the kitchen. There is a note on the fridge.

That boy sleeping in your room is a friend who helped me get home safely last night so treat him nicely. He can stay as long as he likes until i get home, the two of us have plans.

Izuku's mood worsens. Most mothers leave notes to tell their kids they love them or that they are excited to see them when they get home.

No, his mother leaves him notes telling him to treat her new fuck buddy nicely. Isn't that illegal? It's not like he cares but gross.

Wouldn't be the first time though, normally both parties are too drunk to even tell the difference. He hears the blonde go down the stairs and goes into the fridge, looking for something to eat.

"Do you want me to make anything for breakfast?" 

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