Chapter 5 - Kill Yourself Continued

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"Oh wait. She thinks your useless too!"

They burst out laughing until tiny tears prick at their eyes and they have to clutch at their ribs. And all he can do is stand there and take it.

Take it and hold back the tears in his eyes because damnit if he cries right now then there is no way he can look back from this, no way that the shame of letting the tears fall will cause more to follow until he's straight up sobbing because he feels so stupid.

He hugs himself and hopes he isn't shaking as much as he feels he is.

"D-Do you need anything...?"

He wants to die. His voice comes out so small and weak that he wants to punch himself, no wonder they always pick on him, besides him being quirkless. They mock him.

"D-D-Do you need anything? No shit dumbass, why do you think we're here? We figured since we are all such good friends you could spot us some cash and free shit, understand?"

Izuku sweats and takes a deep breath, trying to control his breathing and focusing on keeping his voice as steady as possible.

"I can't do that-"

The thug in the front smiles at him, the smile not reaching his eyes that look so mad that Izuku can't help but think him and the devil are related. Maybe a cousin?

"Of course, you can! We're best buds, aren't we? So just do it. You don't wanna be a bad friend do you Midoriya?"

Izuku slowly shakes his head.

"P-Please i can't just-"

Izuku's front is slammed into the counter, knocking down the cup with the roses in them and sending the water splashing all over Izuku's face and the thorns of the roses scratching at his neck.

The bully slams his head into the counter again, squishing Izuku's face into the hard surface.

"Did it look like i was asking fucker? When i tell you to do something there is no fucking question, you get off of your fat ass and do it, understand?!" 

"God, what kind of useless sack of shit doesn't even understand simple commands? No wonder your mom doesn't even fucking love you, why are you even living? You should get it over with already and just kill yourself!" 

"No one would fucking care, do you realize that? Because you're a useless, stupid, pathetic-"

The thug holding his head down is launched to the door of the store. Izuku hadn't even noticed the door open and Mr. Bs footsteps thundering on the floor toward them.

A scream, more thuds, and pleading. Izuku doesn't bother to lift his head up to watch, too ashamed, too scared.

Kill yourself

the tears won't fall, he's too shocked. He hears Mr. Bs voice yelling out of the door after the thugs.

"If i see you walking around here and harassing him ill fucking brake every one of your bones next time i don't give a fuck you hear me?!!! I'm not scared of some shitty ass kids!! Go fuck yourselves!" 

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