Chapter 1 - Kill Yourself

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'I wish I could just disappear.'

Izuku is covered in purple and red agitated bruises, and every time he tries to move there is a little sting all throughout his body.

Every hit made by those thugs cleanly landed on every part of Izuku's body to increase maximum pain.

They are really getting better at beating the shit out of him, i mean they do get daily practice almost every single day.

At least that's what Izuku believes at the moment because seriously, it isn't supposed to hurt this damn much.

Plus, the added weight of his self-hatred and pity isn't making anything easier. He's just sitting there in the alley behind the school, where the dumpsters are.

How fitting, a quirkless, useless kid with other useless garbage. Izuku stares at the bricked wall to the left of him, stained with some unknown black fluid and dirt.

He sighs, the action causing more stinging. He winces, tightly shutting his eyes and focusing on something else.

His brain has something to say, and he wishes it would just shut up.

He knows if he starts feeling sorry for himself now, he will never get up.

So, gritting his teeth and moving fast so he doesn't have time to think about it, he stands and picks up his big yellow backpack.

He begins to move one foot in front of the other, repeating the movement slowly until he's walking out of the alley, off of school grounds, and on his way home.

As he staggers and sways, he hopes his mom isn't home to see him like this.

But some part of Izuku can't help but want her to see him, wants her to see him hurting so she can hug him and tell him he's going to be ok.

That she'll try her best to fix this, fix their relationship and his school problems, to be there for him.

Like hell that would ever happen.

Ever since the whole bullying started, wayyyy worse than it was in elementary, Izuku shut himself off from his mother, clearly depressed about the whole thing.

But to his surprise, she never mentioned anything about the change. He was sure she knew, but just decided never to bring it up.

Izuku isn't stupid, he hears her crying in her room when it's night and she thinks he's asleep or at a friend's when she knows for a fact, he doesn't have any.

He knows what she thinks when she looks at him, it's written all over her face, words she would never ever say. She doesn't have to, her sons pretty damn observant.

When he can't participate in school events because he's quirkless

"Why can't you just be normal?"

When they failed to find a doctor to help 'cure' his lack of a quirk

"Why couldn't you have been born with a quirk?"

When she has to come home from working long hours to support them both

"Are you proud of yourself? Look at me, wasting my life away like this."

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