Chapter 14 - Your Bakugou! Cont.

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Izuku slams the fridge shut, the things inside cluttering. There is a loud crash of something falling inside of it.

He turns to the blonde and folds his arms, mimicking Mr. Bs intimidation stance.

"Listen pervert. You may be fucking my mother at the moment but that does not mean you get to treat me like I'm your responsibility. I do not care about you, and i wont cling all over you making you feel wanted and i won't praise your little dick, so leave me alone and I'll leave you alone."

The blonde is silent, then he breaks out laughing.

"Bahaha! What the fuck, do you really think me and your mother are fucking? Gross, I'm the same age as you dumbass. Really though, I'm hungry as shit so move aside and I'll make us something."

The blonde walks to the fridge, right next to Izuku, looking down at him.

God why did he have to be so short. The blond wears a smug grin as Izuku glares at him. He doesn't look away though and Izuku walks off.


When Izuku is met with new people in the house, he's normally shy and stammers through every sentence. Most of the time he only gets one word out most conversations.

But the people his mom let's stay over are different from the people who are pleasant friends of hers.

Hes learned if he doesn't want to do any further harm to them, he can't be nice about it. If only he applied this lesson to his actual bullies.

If he even spoke one word back every day would be the same replay of yesterday. Izuku shutters at the thought, of Mr. Bs face.

What is he gonna do about that? Mr. B must hate him by now. Izuku sits on the living room couch, lost in thought.

Where is he going to go now? it's not like he doesn't deserve it, it's his own fault for being so easy to bully.

He sighs, the depressing thoughts going back into his head as he sits on the couch, zoning out. He hears a muffled noise but doesn't really process what made it. Then he hears the sound again.

And again.

"Hey Midoriya! Answer me asshole!"

Izuku snaps his head up and looks at the blonde.


His tone is a lot harsher than he meant, but it's too late to take it back and apologize for it. The blonde glares.

"Look, this whole bratty routine might work with everyone else but it aint gonna work with me so get off your ass and come eat. Or don't, i don't give a fuck."

Izuku huffs and goes into the kitchen, the blonde following.

On the small table in the corner of the kitchen there is a whole breakfast of eggs, bacon, and pancakes.

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