Chapter 21 - Your My Best Friend Cont.

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Look at him, showing so much self-control. His old man would be pretty proud if he was in the room right now, that's for sure.

He wishes he could just skip this whole part, just hold Izuku and never let go. That was ok when they were brats, but the adorable nerd would probably just kick him off and laugh about it, or maybe he'd feel awkward like this morning.

But again, Rome wasnt built in a day, so he will have to be patient. Fuck, not really his strong suit but what needs to be done needs to be done.

Izuku stops rolling and instead goes to his bed, plopping down on it. Katsuki watches as his shirt rides up his stomach slightly and he has to force his head to turn away, instead focusing on folding the blankets he slept on and put them back into Izuku's closet.

"What do you want to do now?"

Izuku sighs, relaxing.

"Dunno, i don't really wanna go outside now after this morning, one outing to the outside world is more than enough for one day."

Katsuki tchs and hits Izuku's face with a pillow, Izuku making a noise and pulling it off, turning to Katsuki to glare at him.

"Quit being lame, if you fall asleep while I'm here you might not wake up again understand Deku!? so, let's do something else."

Izuku groans loudly, clearly displaying his displeasure.

"I don't want to kacchan"

Katsuki glares back, and gets on top of him, letting down all his weight. Hes crushing Izuku under him and he lets out a tiny scream.

"AH! Kacchan get off of me! Your heavy! Your gonna crush my bones! Please!! Im sorry!"

Katsuki glares down at him, pushing down.

"Hah?! I'm heavy? You calling me fat Deku?! Thats fucked! Now you're staying here even longer!!"

It's warm.

The part where Katsuki's body is touching Izuku's is warm. Separated by clothes, it's not intense, but it's still nice feeling his body heat so close.

Even with Izuku screaming and begging for forgiveness, the moment is nice. Hell, this whole day has been more then nice.

Waking up to Izuku, going shopping with him, playing around with him, being able to get so close, instead what separates him from feeling Izuku's body close to his isn't a cold window, but clothes.

That and the huge problem that is going to be a walk in the park to get rid of, but for now it's not here to bother them, it's just him and his treasure, the best person in the world, the most perfect boy who he would do anything for.

Nothing will ruin this moment of peace he has now-

They hear the front door open.

"Izuku! Is he still here?!"

...God damnit, of course. Katsuki groans, rolling off of Izuku and laying next to him. Izuku is panting, catching his breath from being almost crushed to death and screaming at the top of his lungs. 

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