Chapter 3 - Kill Yourself Continued

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His room now looked like a garden threw up on it. A nice pop of color, i guess. There were still some flowers left, but what to do with them? He could sell them or...

Izuku made his way out the door with the flowers, dressed now in a black hoodie and pants, his red shoes pounding on the cement as he made his way to his destination.

The convenience store was just down a couple blocks from the house, so it was easy to get to.

Izuku always went when he knew he was too weak to make it all the way home and needed a break or when he knew his mom was home and he would have to wait till she left so he didn't have to face her.

This eventually led to him being very good friends with the store owner and only worker, Mr. B. He never actually went by his name, so the locals came up with a nickname for him.

Apparently when Mr. B was young, we would go around beating up any troublemakers and thugs, kind of keeping the peace.

No one made any attempts to stop him because they were a close community at the time and the young man was doing a service as far as they were concerned.

Where was a Mr. B when he needed one? The story goes that when he did beat thugs, they would break a couple bones or two, so the locals nicknamed him Mr. Bone Crusher.

Izuku opens the door, the bell above announcing his arrival to everyone in the small store, which was only Mr. B, himself and an old woman with a cat in her bag. The black cat meows and turns its head, uninterested.

The women finishes her purchase and shuffles off, out the door, and down the street. Mr. B fixes Izuku with a firm stare.

"What the hells with the flowers? Don't tell me you're asking me to be your date cause I'm not interested."

Izuku rolls his eyes and goes to the counter, setting the roses down. "Like I'd want an old bear like man hanging around me."

Mr. B was built pretty huge, the man had strong shoulders and always wore a tank top to show off well-built muscle, arms and all.

Tatoos covered most of the skin on his arms and chest, some cool designs and some odd ones he said he got when he was drunk as all hell because,

"Sometimes kid, you need to have moments that you can just laugh about when your older when you don't have nothing else to laugh about anymore."

Izuku had thought that was a depressing thing to say.

Mr. B picks up the flowers and finds a cup to put them in and fills it with water. As he does this, his grey eyes glare at Izuku's face, analyzing.

Izuku can't help but sweat somewhat, feeling kind of nervous. He puts his arms around himself, trying to cover up his face out of habit.

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